
国内版阿里云按流量计费真不错 - Domestic alicloud pay by traffic is really good


带宽拉到100M   买个流量包  一般小站也没多少流量  速度那是噌噌噌   又不需要绑信用卡  不怕爆表卖房


注册网友: 对。再设置个密码。自已访问。不然C死你

熊猫酿酒网友: 还是小心为好 别一不小心被爆了

烟花三月网友: 把地址发出来,大佬能让你一晚卖房

孤竹临风网友: 国际站一样能按量啊 价格也差不多

Ruclinux网友: 没diao事  了不起流量包没流量了  停机而已  我平时为人低调  干的都是见光的买卖(主要是和别人形成不了竞争)  谁没事打我呢

坨坨坨坨网友: 来,把网址说下,我们给你IP+1

熊猫酿酒网友: 经典网络设置深港通。游戏速度快。

IMTim网友: 流量包用完,按标准计费。会给你停机,想得美? 人家阿里云好心的 允许你欠费,和你绑不绑定信用卡有什么关系。 当然,真欠费了,可以选择不还,只要敢。

nadian网友: 并不是这么简单,阿里云欠费不会停,而且多数攻击是阿里自己搞自己客户的,就是为了多薅你钱

注册网友: 我是真不知道哪家有给你停机的,可能有,不过起码也是你被打了500G到1T的时候给你停了

注册网友: 你觉得会给你停机?

ssjoy网友: 良心云听机的,我用过欠费几块就停了

weixiangnan网友: 计费周期是1个小时。 比如这一个小时产生费用是100+,那么产生这个计费后。余额负数。停机。

Sucre网友: 其实发出来也没啥事,因为还没被刷就被打进黑洞了,我干过

guoguomiao网友: 阿里有流量黑洞,被打了立马拉黑IP,那些房子没了的操作大概只能在阿里的cdn上复现

reosns网友: 想当年用阿里cdn的时候,被c了一晚上,扣了五六千块~~

hanada网友: 谁说不会卖房 流量包一完半夜跑你一套海景房  最不能用的就是按量

Pull the bandwidth to 100m to buy a traffic bag. Generally, small stations don't have much traffic. That's the speed. You don't need to tie a credit card. You're not afraid to blow up the watch and sell the house. Set another password. Visit yourself. Otherwise, it's better to be careful. Don't be blown up by fireworks. March: send out the address to let you sell your house all night. The price is similar to that of ruclinux at the international station There's no Diao thing. The traffic package has no traffic. It's just a shutdown. I usually do business in a low-key way (mainly because I can't compete with other people). Who has nothing to do with me? Tuotuotuotuo: come on, let's talk about the website, we'll give you IP + 1 Panda wine: Shenzhen Hong Kong link is set up through the classic network. The game is fast. Imtim: after the traffic is fully used, it will be charged according to the standard. You'll be shut down. Want to be beautiful? Alicloud kindly allows you to pay in arrears. What does it have to do with binding or not binding your credit card. Of course, I really owe you money. You can choose not to pay it back as long as you dare. Nadian: it's not that simple. Alicloud's arrears will not stop, and most of the attacks are made by alicloud's own customers, in order to collect more money from you to register: I really don't know which one has shut you down, maybe, but at least when you are called 500g to 1t, it will shut you down: do you think it will shut you down? Ssjoy: conscience cloud listening machine, I used a few dollars in arrears to stop weixiangnan: the billing cycle is one hour. For exle, if the charge for an hour is 100 +, then after the charge is generated. Negative balance. Stop. Sucre: it doesn't matter if it's sent out, because it's hit into the black hole before it's brushed. I've done Guomiao: Ali has a traffic black hole, and I've been hit by blacking the IP address immediately. The operation of those houses that are gone can only be reproduced on Ali's CDN: when I used Ali's CDN, I was deducted by C one night, five or six thousand yuan ~ ~ Hanada: who said that I can't sell houses After the traffic bag runs in the middle of the night, you have a set of sea view room. The most useless thing is to meet the demand


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