
明天去找工作了,各位老哥复工没有 - I'm looking for a job tomorrow. Are you back to work




注册网友: 元老大佬去当司机,这车稳了

slc网友: 还是老司机有钱途

ryan0812网友: 天天都在忙着搞鸡,哪有时间去工作。

宝丽金网友: 去其他地方不会隔离吗

thy413731678网友: 在本地干啊,不会隔离。

blowsnow网友: 还要人吗大佬,我开车贼溜。

slc网友: 还有一个多月假期吧

loveqianool网友: 外地司机运货到东兴,然后由东兴本地司机接货再运到越南。   原因无他,外地人不好办理边民通行证。

edisonangel网友: 不错啊

注册网友: 坐电脑前的你为什么要当司机?

注册网友: 上了一个星期了

倾城翻翻分身一网友: 还是在家待业吧,等稳了在出门。

雾山网友: 挺好的,运输业工资都不低

luceos网友: 已经work from home一个月了,也不知道什么时候是个头。 (香港回不去了,每个月光拿工资了,实验全停了,幸好之前说养细胞但是最后没有)

新网络网友: 老司机带带我,越南姑娘水溜不

imes网友: 很遗憾的接到通知,明天复工,看在上个月全额发工资的面子上就勉为其难的上班吧 (可以来LOC摸鱼了)

羊毛党网友: 早就複工了~不過在家裏上班

h2o网友: 能掐出水。

365t网友: 老司机有钱途的,越南好地方啊

注册网友: 大佬搞什么科研?

注册网友: 推荐网友:欧洲卡车模拟器

I was employed as a lead driver because I didn't drive a large truck on the road. So it's hard on the scalp. The boss asked the police station to apply for the border pass on Monday and come back to work. The goods were transported from Dongxing to mang street, Vietnam. Every day so back and forth. 300 yuan a turn. Line up. I heard that 10 jobs will be transferred in a month. Because it is a novice, do not pick a job, and then go to the logistics express company, stable for 6000 months. Registration: the old man to be a driver, the car stabilized SLC: or the old driver rich road Ryan 0812: every day busy with chickens, which time to work. Brigitte: can't you go to other places and be quarantined? Thy413731678: you can't do it locally. Blowsnow: do you want any more people? I'm driving. SLC: there is also a more than one month holiday bar loveqianool: foreign drivers transport goods to Dongxing, then local drivers pick up the goods and transport them to Vietnam. Without other reasons, it is not easy for foreigners to apply for border pass. Edison Angel: good. Sign up: why do you want to be a driver in front of the computer? Registration: a week on the city turned one: or at home waiting for work, waiting for stability in the door. Wushan: it's very good. The transportation industry's wages are not low. Luceos: it's been working from home for a month, and I don't know when it will be. (I can't go back to Hong Kong. I got paid in every moonlight. The experiment stopped. Fortunately, I said cell culture was not available at the end.) new network: the old driver took me with him. Vietnamese girls are not smooth. I'm sorry to be informed that I will return to work tomorrow. It's hard to get back to work in the face of full payment last month (I can come to LOC to fish). Wool Party: I've been back to work for a long time, but I can work at home. 365t: the old driver has money. Good place in Vietnam. Registration: what's the big guy doing? Registration: Recommended: European Truck Simulator


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