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有个大佬帮我刚开的机子,没有中奖,是标配,所以原价出,明盘280 KS-4C (2019) Core™ i5-2300 4c / 4t 2.8 GHz+ 16 GB DDR3 1333 MHz 2 TB SATA |
注册网友: 没中奖还想全身而退啊 别人为什么不直接买一个还附送抽奖机会
dally网友: 我的是免税的,现在都不免税了啊
C51网友: https://www.kimsufi.com/us/en/order/kimsufi.xml?reference=1901sk21 https://www.kimsufi.com/us/en/order/kimsufi.xml?reference=1904sk21 没税啊
There's a big guy who helped me open the new machine. It didn't win the prize. It's standard. So the original price is 280
ks-4c (2019) core Gamma I5-2300 4C / 4T 2.8 GHz + 16 GB DDR3 1333 MHz 2 TB SATA reply: Register: you want to leave without winning the prize, why don't others buy one directly and send a lucky draw, dally: mine is tax-free, and now it's not tax-free, C51: https://www.kimsufi.com/us/en/order/kimsufi.xml? Reference = 1901sk21 Https://www.kimsufi.com/us/en/order/kimsufi.xml? Reference = 1904sk21 no tax
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:出加拿大ks10(ks4c)已免税 - KS10 (ks4c) out of Canada is tax-free https://zhujicankao.com/5343.html