


Changes to private Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

A content delivery network is a temporary cache storage location designed to optimizethe user experience by providing static files like images, JavaScript, stylesheets, and font files directly from cache locations closest to the user.
In SharePoint Online there are two primary CDNs that are available to handle your static files. One CDN is public and manages JavaScript, stylesheets, and font files. The other CDN is private and is designed to manage images. The public CDN will remain unchanged at this time and should be enabled to handle your JavaScript, stylesheets, and font files, subject to approval by your compliance, security, and privacy teams.
The current private CDN is moving from being hosted by our 3rd party provider Akamai, to Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure CDN is a core service for SharePoint. Microsoft Azure CDN complies with all Microsoft data handling and temporary cache storage standards and as such will be a default feature enabled for all customers.
Key Points:
•        Timing: the new private CDN will start rolling out during March 2021 and is expected to be available by June 2021.
•        Action: for your information no action required
How this will affect your organization:
Microsoft will automatically enable the new private CDN for your tenant and there is no action required.
If you have already enabled private CDN, or are considering enabling it, then we recommend that you continue to plan to enable the feature as it will immediately benefit your users and optimize your pages. Microsoft will automatically transition existing private CDN configurations from Akamai to Microsoft Azure CDN and no further action is required.
What you need to do to prepare:
You do not need to do anything to prepare.
If you would like to learn more about Microsoft data security, visit the Trust center.
If you have SharePoint sites that contains highly confidential content that should be specifically excluded from using Azure private CDN, then sensitivity labels can be created and added to the CDN exclusion list. Excluding a site from using private CDN may impact the overall performance of the site since images will no longer use the CDN to optimize the viewing experience.
Learn more
•        Use sensitivity labels to protect content in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 groups, and SharePoint sites
•        How to configure CDN in Office 365 (Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) Quickstart)
•        Use Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SharePoint Online
View this message in the Microsoft 365 admin center



注册说: rolling out during March 2021 and is expected to be available by June 2021. 2021年三月开始推出,你穿越了?最近变快只是因为微软放开了AS8068的CDN对大陆的限速

fule说: 目前的私有CDN正从我们的第三方提供商Akamai托管转移到微软Azure。微软Azure CDN是SharePoint的核心服务。微软Azure CDN符合微软所有的数据处理和临时缓存存储标准,因此将成为所有客户的默认功能。

我y零kk说: 原文里说的是托管images的private CDN,也就是图像托管从Akamai转移到Azure,不知道和实际下载文件什么关系,之前下载文件的CDN ip明明就一直是部署在微软自家的AS8068上的啊

fule说: 直连速度跟原来一样,挂ss反而变慢了

lzw说: 我这边速度起飞了,群里很多人也是速度起飞.

ggeeii说: 反正本地联通速度飞起,2M/s,虽然比不上世纪互联的的10M/s,但是已经很好了

fule说: 都有原文了还看不懂么,有个锤子关系

cherbim说: 本地联通直接200M跑满  单线程  idm直接500M跑满

babyby168说: 原来是这样

注册说: 現在的CDN,除了Cloudflare以外,還有哪些大的、免費的、速度比較快的?

注册说: 哈哈哈你这几个条件,好像不能同时成立

aRNoLD说: 只有Cloudflare

fule说: CloudFlare我正在用,其實挺久的了,我都想不起來是哪年開始用的,只記得是很早的時候,後來它也挺經用的,一直放那兒也不怎麼管,所以都沒想過要搬離,也就不知道它有哪些競爭對手了。不過總應該有的吧。



本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_关于最近OneDrive国际版速度变快的来源邮件原文 https://zhujicankao.com/51603.html

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转载请注明原文链接:主机参考 » 便宜国外vps论坛_关于最近OneDrive国际版速度变快的来源邮件原文

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