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https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/576105 不需要学生验证,随便一个邮箱注册就可以。Adobe全线产品免费使用2年。大家快上吧 对于那些出现 You do not have access to this service.错误的,请去邮箱找验证邮件,重新打开验证界面Finish一下即可 |
注册说: https://privohub.privo.com/ag/lgs/home.html?siteId=18421&mode=NORMAL#/ag/account/register/lgs/home/v2?siteId=18421&mode=NORMAL&step=completeNonMinor 用这个链接还能注册
poper说: 收到最后一封邮件后点 Get Started with Adobe Creative Cloud 经过几个小时漫长的500,503,404,403…不断尝试…以后,终于来到了adobe页面 这时候就正式激活了账户,解锁全家桶,爽歪歪 再次感谢楼主
南风大叔说: 对于那些出现 You do not have access to this service.错误的,请去邮箱找验证邮件,重新打开验证界面Finish一下即可
Xice说: Desktop apps available in your subscription; Creative Cloud, XD, Premier Rush, Fresco, Bridge, Aero. Everything else is available on trial. Mobile apps available in your subscription; Photoshop, Illustrator, Creative Cloud, Photoshop Camera, Photoshop Express, Lightroom, Premier Rush, Illustrator Draw, Aero, Capture, Spark Post, Spark Video, Spark Page, Behance, XD, Acrobat Reader, Scan, Fill & Sign, Photoshop Sketch, Photoshop Fix, Photoshop Mix, Comp Web apps available in your subscription; Adobe Fonts, Adobe Stock, Behance, Acrobat, Portfolio, Spark, Adobe Color, Adobe Live, Lightroom Web, Mixamo, Substance Source
谷歌云说: 他这个解释是对普通的学生账号。 这个现在是Privo账号,全部可用
Effervescence说: 谢谢,已成功。还是拿自己的上学的edu注册了,希望能更稳点,
poper说: 现在冲的人太多了,估计服务器挂掉了。老哥等等吧
小鱼说: 503了,MJJ太猛了
注册说: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure
zenghaochen说: 完全打不开啊,挂不挂梯子都打不开,有点无奈
pnsroc说: 这到底是什么鬼 一会403 一会502 一会503 一会直接卡死
zenghaochen说: 这么快,我一直用[email protected]登录 Adobe cloud,不是打不开就是提示错误请与IT管理员联系
Lemon0说: HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error mark一下 回头试试
Jounouchi说: 撸到了 登录不上了 HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error
带手铐的旅客说: 国家地理 杂志
桥本有点菜说: Enrollment has reached maximum capacity. 没了。
poper说: https://privohub.privo.com/ag/lgs/home.html?siteId=18421&mode=NORMAL#/ag/account/register/lgs/home/v2?siteId=18421&mode=NORMAL&step=completeNonMinor 用这个链接还能注册
570168710说: 有毒 最后一部错误 Account Creation Get access to your Adobe Creative Cloud license. checkmark Tell us who you are? info checkmark Create a info checkmark Give us a little more info… info Unexpected error check School Name Your information is always kept safe and secure and never shared with any service without your explicit consent.
注册说: Congratulations! Your registration is complete! You now have access to the Adobe Creative Cloud suite. NOTE: Your new account may take up to 5 minutes, from the time you completed registration, to be provisioned. Please give your account enough time to properly provision before attempting to login. Complimentary access to Adobe Creative Cloud though the Adobe Creative Cloud for Education Offer is subject to active participation in the National Geographic Storytelling For Impact Program. Adobe reserves the right to cancel the License granted through this offer at any time should you become inactive in the Program or at the end of 24 months, whichever is sooner.
570168710说: 有没有其他登陆方式,直接登录adobe
2life.top说: 收到最后一封邮件后点 Get Started with Adobe Creative Cloud 经过几个小时漫长的500,503,404,403…不断尝试…以后,终于来到了adobe页面 这时候就正式激活了账户,解锁全家桶,爽歪歪 再次感谢楼主
Erik说: Access Denied You do not have access to this service. Contact your IT administrator to gain access, or sign in with an Adobe ID. 屮 我这是翻车了?
注册说: Access Denied You do not have access to this service. Contact your IT administrator to gain access, or sign in with an Adobe ID. 去**,继续用开心版
Sandy说: You do not have access to this service. Contact your IT administrator to gain access, or sign in with an Adobe ID. Try again 这是什么原因
570168710说: https://account.privo.com/oauth/ngs/login
潘驴邓小闲说: 对于那些出现 You do not have access to this service.错误的,请去邮箱找验证邮件,重新打开验证界面Finish一下即可
ciddy说: 来晚了,直接注册关闭了,给的链接直接把表单给删除了
poper说: 对于那些出现 You do not have access to this service.错误的,请去邮箱找验证邮件,重新打开验证界面Finish一下即可
Function说: 对于那些出现 You do not have access to this service.错误的,请去邮箱找验证邮件,重新打开验证界面Finish一下即可
poper说: Tell us who you are这步已经不能点next了
注册说: 我也是这样,刷新了好多遍都是这样。
注册说: 对于那些出现 You do not have access to this service.错误的,请去邮箱找验证邮件,重新打开验证界面Finish一下即可
ciddy说: 我也是,偶尔会出现注册We sent you a link to complete your registration.,但是没有邮箱
王表弟说: 等了半个小时还是这样。
570168710说: https://privohub.privo.com/ag/lgs/home.html?siteId=18421&mode=NORMAL#/ag/account/register/lgs/home/v2?siteId=18421&mode=NORMAL&step=completeNonMinor 我刚才打开看了下,已经凉凉了,没有学历选项,next按钮是灰色
王表弟说: https://privohub.privo.com/ag/landing/home.html?siteId=18421#/ag/account/register/landing/home/v2?siteId=18421&serviceId=4f454974484c6f687a656768317a53735458574d48673d3d&userEmail=*****&audienceType=ADULT®StatusCode=200&fullyRegistered=true&updateToken=****&roleId=3404&selfRegistered=false&authRoleIdentifier=natGeoTeacher 等就好了
潘驴邓小闲说: 生日填上总提示不对,填哪年?
Drawf说: An error occurred SAML Response does not have Success status code. Please check the saml2p:Status element. 最后是登录不了,提示这个。
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_▁▂▃Adobe Cloud企业版全系产品免费2年,无需验证学生身份 https://zhujicankao.com/43791.html