Edd: 现在的黑客不是直接控制你的脑电波转账给它的么? 怎么还长篇大论的写这么多字?
南京扛把子: 哈哈 典型的全球撒网钓鱼,愿者上钩,从btc地址就能查到收到一样的邮件信息。哈哈哈
cdseoo: 是的,我还一路跟踪你到这个帖子里,你看黄站的照片在我手里,打钱吧
羊村你喜哥: 原因很关键。要举一反三 深入思考
h20: 不理会,不然会一直加码
mengdodo: 电脑裸奔? 一咬牙,挂个U盘PE启动,全盘格式化,重装系统吧
菜单: 你真的有干吗?
qinghe187100: 我只能说特么台式机摄像头话筒都没有,笔记本上网课摄像头用胶带一直封到现在,上哪来视频
xuliliang: 现在的黑客不是直接控制你的脑电波转账给它的么? 怎么还长篇大论的写这么多字?
炒鸡大绿怪: Dear friend, Greetings from Libya, I am the wife of the ex-Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Qadhafi, the former and late leader of Libya Colonel Muammar Qadhafi who was betrayed and embattled by Libyan and murdered by the Libyan rebels which led to his untimely death. Since then, me and my children has been on travel ban, no access to bank accounts and we have been rendered homeless and at the same time we are under threat and we are not allowed to invest or operate bank account. I wrote this letter because I need you to help me to secure some of my family funds that is deposited by my late husband in different security companies abroad which is no longer safe under the name of my late husband therefore I urgently need your help to transfer the amount to your bank account and ones we start, first, the beneficiary name should be immediately changed from my late husband name to your name through my lawyers. I promise to make you richer by offering you 30% of the total amount that can be secured through your help and in each transactions successfully completed by you and if you can assist me, we must work in confidentiality therefore I want you to please keep this as a greater secret. In your response, I want you to provide me with your particulars as listed below because it will be used by my lawyers to make change of ownership of funds to your name: 1) Your full name. 2) Home or office Address. 3) Land Telephone and mobile phone numbers. 4) Your Age. 5) Your gender/Sex. 6) Your Occupation. 7) Any form of Identification. ======================= Please contact me on my secure email address: safqad201@gmail.com Yours sincerely, Mrs.Safiya Qadhafi.
dc10aao: 太好了,你把视频发出来,让我看看我撸管的姿势帅不帅
皮皮小店: 最后一句话很好, 那么现在我想看LZ一边撸管一边观看影片的视频了。。
贱人就是矫情: 撒网式钓鱼,愿者上钩。
注册: 真的吗
注册: 你在大姐姐软件里开飞机的视频我们已经录下来了,如果不支付一个BTC我们会公开你开飞机的录像
二丫的: 不就是撸管儿
移动: 没有摄像头 的飘过
吴佳炜: 人家视频直播aa 都不怕 你怕啥 这玩意 就是群发
hmmwan: 好嚣张啊你 等着本黑客把你的电脑电压调到 30 安电死你吧
桥本有点菜: 小机灵鬼
半世烟尘: 我把所有的财产扔在硬件钱包里,前几天okex事件,想拿出来看看,结果找了十多小时,一身冷汗
祭徐坤: 黑客
pei: 真有人打过去???。。。。。。 https://btc.com/1yKPBpw8DQ9e1U9TapUP1MUB82vFULbnD
kof6946369: 直接无视就可以了,没有什么的,反正就把自己所有电邮改下密码,安全起见
注册: 说句实话我真的不在意别人看我撸管的视频,但是我不会主动发
好大一个瓜: 人海战术…总归可能有一二个上钩的…
gamerock: 我靠,都翻译成中文了,上个月我收到一封一模一样的英文版
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