
便宜国外vps论坛_国外哪个DNS 可以分路解析




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linode-jspinosi同求。上次问MJJ ,结果连国内公司的国际版的都没 分国内线路的功能。


citywar: AWS Route 53 收费,每个域0.5刀每月,请求亦计费


iks: GeoScaling DNS2 GeoScaling offers FREE (up to 1 Million DNS Requests per month) managed DNS services with unique features. Redirect your users by Country, AS number, uptime, server load and custom rules, at the DNS level. Standard Features     Redundancy and scalability assured by nameservers in three countries.     Easy to use web interface (Register now and take a tour)     Add and edit DNS records without reloading the page     Changes propagate instantly to our nameservers     Low time-to-live (TTL) ensures updated records are propagated on the Internet in less than 5 minutes     Support for most types of records, including SRV Advanced Features     Dynamic DNS support     Upload, paste and import BIND zone files     Import records by doing a zone transfer (AXFR)     Redirect visitors dynamically based on         Their country of origin         Their city (city name, latitude, longitude…) new         Their network name (Autonomous System Number / AS / ASN)         The uptime of your servers – failover         Custom information such as server loads sent to GeoScaling via our simple API, achieving load balancing and much more         Any combination of the above     Make live redirection decisions for each visitor with our smart subdomains powered by a subset of the PHP scripting language. We write the scripts for you, free of charge. Just tell us what you need.     100% uptime SLA for paying customers     If you have a big business and high demand (more then 1 Million DNS requests per moth) please contact us to get a cheap price depending on your needs. We listen Click here to read about what were working on right now. Many of our features were inspired by our users. We believe the only way to build a useful product is to listen to the people that actually use it. If you have advice or want to send us a feature request, please add a support ticket and well get back to you. We eat our own dog food Weve been in the DNS business since 2007, as you can read from our history. We have used our own DNS service for our other projects from the beginning. If GeoScaling would go down, all our other websites would go down.. and we have plenty. Being powerusers constantly makes us think of ways to make the GeoScaling interface better. I’m a beginner confused by all this jargon No need to worry, weve been there also. We know very well that setting up domain names can be a very confusing experience. So were prepared to be your teachers, free of charge. Just contact us and well set up a free online lesson for you by Instant Messenger or Skype. Well explain all the DNS concepts you need to know in non-technical terms and metaphors, and well gradually build up your knowledge. Well also walk you through the GeoScaling DNS


庞先生呀: 可以分国家解析 至于要给电信/移动/联通/教育网/鹏博士分线解析,那是国内自己的问题,除了国内公司还真没几个免费给这些ISP/AS划分线路

By小酷: ns1.com https://panel.perfops.net/login?redirectUrl=/flexbalancers 都有免费

注册: 我知道可以分国家,但是不能分路线 https://panel.perfops.net/login?redirectUrl=/flexbalancers 和ns1.com才是免费可以分路线,分国家,分ip段的



本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_国外哪个DNS 可以分路解析 https://zhujicankao.com/43402.html

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