我觉得还挺划算的,要不是手里的机子够了,都忍不住下手了(其实机子过了退款期了 ) 我用一个绿云美国鸡wget测试文件的速度,大概50M-80M每秒的下载,挺不错的  (上图是美国绿云鸡跑的下载)
然后我还有个Vultr 日本东京鸡,也wget了下,速度大概在46M-50M每秒 因为没有入手,所以暂时没有跑脚本,有测试过这批机器的MJJ可以发一发 另外我个人觉得这个配置应该比Contabo的要有性价比
官方说了专门提供了亚洲的网络优化 所以看片看油管看奈非(我没有测过,但是别人有的评测说可以)速度都杠杠的
官方的测速 美国加州 San Jose US: sj-test.softshellhosting.com 欧洲Wormer NL: ams-test.softshellhosting.com
24/7 Support 30 Day Money Back Guarantee 30天退款保障,测完退款? 99.9% Uptime Guarantee Instant Setup EU Servers Location: Wormer, Netherlands US Servers Location: San Jose, California (ASIA Optimized 优化亚洲特别是中国线路) 100% SSD Storage AES-NI Enabled KVM Virtualization Virtualizor Control Panel Custom OS ISO Available 可以自定义ISO,可以安装Windows DDoS Protection Enterprise Hardware
US Network: China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, Telia, NTT, GTT NLayer, HE and Cogent 美国加州线路专门对各个运营商进行过优化,特地说了电信移动联通,看样子主要客户还是咱们MJJ啊 EU Network: AMX-IX, HE.NET, RETN, Core-Backbone and NTT Communications
下面是促销机型 这个大家都容易看懂,就不翻译了 带aff 谢谢老铁们了
每个月2刀不到,挂个博客啥的很爽 KVM-SSD-1GB-Flash-Sale – $20/year 美国鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=109 欧洲鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=116 CPU: 1 Core RAM: 1 GB ECC Disk Space: 20 GB SSD 2000 GB 1 Gbps (connection speed is limited to 50Mbit when bandwidth exceeded) Dedicated IPv4: 1x Dedicated IPv6: /64 Subnet (EU ONLY) DDoS Protection (In-House) Included Custom OS ISO Available Location USA: San Jose, California Location EU: Wormer, Netherlands
KVM-SSD-2GB-Flash-Sale – $30/year 美国鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=110 欧洲鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=117 CPU: 2 Core RAM: 2 GB ECC Disk Space: 40 GB SSD 4000 GB @ 1 Gbps (connection speed is limited to 100Mbit when bandwidth exceeded) Dedicated IPv4: 1x Dedicated IPv6: /64 Subnet (EU ONLY) DDoS Protection (In-House) Included Custom OS ISO Available Location USA: San Jose, California Location EU: Wormer, Netherlands
KVM-SSD-3GB-Flash-Sale – $40/year 美国鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=111 欧洲鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=118 CPU: 3 Core RAM: 3 GB ECC Disk Space: 60 GB SSD 6000 GB @ 1 Gbps (connection speed is limited to 100Mbit when bandwidth exceeded) Dedicated IPv4: 1x Dedicated IPv6: /64 Subnet (EU ONLY) DDoS Protection (In-House) Included Custom OS ISO Available Location USA: San Jose, California Location EU: Wormer, Netherlands
KVM-SSD-4GB-Flash-Sale – $50/year 美国鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=112 欧洲鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=119 CPU: 4 Core @ 2.1 Ghz or 2.4 Ghz RAM: 4 GB ECC Disk Space: 80 GB SSD 8000 GB @ 1 Gbps (connection speed is limited to 100Mbit when bandwidth exceeded) Dedicated IPv4: 1x DDoS Protection 10+ Gbps(In-House) Included Custom OS ISO Available Location USA: San Jose, California Location EU: Wormer, Netherlands KVM-SSD-5GB-Flash-Sale – $60/year 美国鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=113 欧洲鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=120 CPU: 5 Core RAM: 5 GB ECC Disk Space: 100 GB SSD 10000 GB @ 1 Gbps (connection speed is limited to 100Mbit when bandwidth exceeded) Dedicated IPv4: 1x Dedicated IPv6: /64 Subnet (EU ONLY) DDoS Protection (In-House) Included Custom OS ISO Available Location USA: San Jose, California Location EU: Wormer, Netherlands
KVM-SSD-6GB-Flash-Sale – $70/year 美国鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=114 欧洲鸡链接:https://softshellweb.com/client/aff.php?aff=126&pid=121 CPU: 6 Core RAM: 6 GB ECC Disk Space: 120 GB SSD 12000 GB @ 1 Gbps (connection speed is limited to 100Mbit when bandwidth exceeded) Dedicated IPv4: 1x Dedicated IPv6: /64 Subnet (EU ONLY) DDoS Protection (In-House) Included Custom OS ISO Available Location USA: San Jose, California Location EU: Wormer, Netherlands |