主机参考:VPS测评参考推荐/专注分享VPS服务器优惠信息!若您是商家可以在本站进行投稿,查看详情!此外我们还提供软文收录、PayPal代付、广告赞助等服务,查看详情! |
我们发布的部分优惠活动文章可能存在时效性,购买时建议在本站搜索商家名称可查看相关文章充分了解该商家!若非中文页面可使用Edge浏览器同步翻译!PayPal代付/收录合作 |
长得很像 Vultr 的 Aulerion VPS 已倒闭……该商家域名及关联域名:aulerion.com、elyp.net、squareflow.net(所谓的母公司)
Dear customers and visitors.
Aulerion is currently facing difficulties in terms of financials, forcing a temporal closure of the service.
The reason behind this is that we tried remaining competitive in pricing, which worked for a long time as we
were able to cover all expenses with revenue. Aulerion to date has not generated a single cent profit for
it's owners. So far, the project has costed various persons which invested in the project over $30000:
Florian B. $20000
Robert R. $5000
Wim B. $5000
As a result of recent massive DDoS attacks targeting smaller and larger parts of our infrastructure, which
caused tremendous bandwidth bills especially in our Asian regions, we are no longer able to cover all our
costs and ran out of our last reserves in the company under which Aulerion operated.
To sumarize, the whole project has costed the owners over $30000 in costs to run, whilst not turning a
single cent profit, aside of dozen hours spent on maintaing the project. We are at this time unable to
continue operating Aulerion. The project has turned loss in every month of operation, up to the point
where continuing both makes no more sense and is simply not possible.
Servers are still online at the moment, please make sure to backup anything of relevance as soon as possible.
We are actively talking to suppliers to postpone termination of our agreements to allow our customers to backup,
but we do not anticipate a lot more room.
Finally, we wish to apologize for the huge inconvenience caused and we hope to be able to provide services to you
again in a smaller fashion in the near future, where you can potentially spend your potentially lost credit.
该黑名单列表主要目的: | 通过该商家黑名单过滤不靠谱及风评较差的商家,让用户及时知晓商家在日常经营中存在的问题,起到规避风险的作用 |
该黑名单列表参考依据: | 包括但不限于亲身体验和网络评价(包括其他同类VPS推荐博客、全球主机交流论坛和网友综合评论等),以供参考 |
该黑名单列表主要包括: | 商家黑名单列表(Blacklist)、风险警示商家列表(Warning List)以及其他列表和说明等 |
黑名单列表(Blacklist)主要为已跑路商家、或曾跑路又卷土重来的商家、或已知存在严重问题的商家等。 | |
风险警示商家列表(Warning List)主要为可能存在跑路风险的商家、或可能存在问题的商家等。 | |
补充说明主要是对列表中无法表述清楚详细上榜理由的部分作补充说明。 |
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- Megalayer,双十一优惠,全场VPS云服务器5折,香港/美国/菲律宾机房,1核1G内存20Mbps带宽不限流量,159元/年
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:Aulerion怎么样?Aulerion值不值得买?Aulerion已跑路!请及时备份并申请退款 https://zhujicankao.com/4311.html