主机参考:VPS测评参考推荐/专注分享VPS服务器优惠信息!若您是商家可以在本站进行投稿,查看详情!此外我们还提供软文收录、PayPal代付、广告赞助等服务,查看详情! |
我们发布的部分优惠活动文章可能存在时效性,购买时建议在本站搜索商家名称可查看相关文章充分了解该商家!若非中文页面可使用Edge浏览器同步翻译!PayPal代付/收录合作 |
This email is a reminder that you have to perform a manual contract extension for your contract xxxxxx until 2020-09-01. If this extension is not performed, your service will be switched to the “shutdown” status. After that you can no longer use the service.
To extend the service, proceed as follows: 1.) Please log in to customer panel at https://support.euserv.com. You will receive this automatic reminder email every 2 days until 2020-09-01. |
注册说: 我现在才看到邮件,但是好像已经不能续约了。为什么还没删机? Contract term extension: Contract extension not possible. The contract ends automatically on 01.09.2020 if it is not extended manually.
不要搞我啊说: 这是另一个号的说: Contract term extension: Contract extension possible from 12.09.2020 The contract ends automatically on 22.09.2020 if it is not extended manually.
安浩说: 刚看了下,只有最后终止合同选项了,没有续期了,删就删吧,反正是吃灰
不要搞我啊说: 应该是只针对你把,我的自动续期了 自从下单后就没管了,卡死了 End of contract period: 11.09.2020 Latest termination date: 10.09.2020 to not extend the contract automatically until the 11.10.2020
xxwzdc说: 一个账号除了一个免费机外还可以开一个CBCI的测试机 收到通知的是这个测试机的
cherbim说: 失联好久了,官网看了下状态是正常的,但是连不上
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_Euserv德国ipv6免费小鸡的测试机要手动续签合同了 https://zhujicankao.com/42158.html