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鲁道斯说: 我猜他的意思是总大小,不是单张大小
Lemon0说: 试试issue。repositories肯定不行
注册说: 不是单张,50000多张
注册说: 肯定会判定滥用的,别想了。 收个便宜机器当图床吧。
鲁道斯说: 会邮件警告,你要是不主动删除仓库 他会帮你 警告邮件格式如下 I work on the Support team at GitHub, and we have some concerns about your PicCdn/mm repository. We’ve noticed that it has grown to almost 16GB, and it is mostly hosting images. Git and GitHub are optimized to provide version control and code collaboration, which means each push of data to our servers triggers computation on our end to apply necessary metadata and structure things efficiently for that purpose. That means there are many use cases, such as backups of non-text files, or database dumps, that are unsuitable for Git, and an inefficient strain on our infrastructure. You can read more about this here: https://help.github.com/en/github/managing-large-files/what-is-my-disk-quota
三和大神说: 好像最多就1G超过会锁的
Sleepyhead说: 会,他们会发邮件给你,要么自己删库,要么他们帮你删,亲身经历
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- 如果DNS服务器可能不可用怎么办?
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_github上传的32g的图片,会不会被封号 https://zhujicankao.com/34420.html