主机参考:VPS测评参考推荐/专注分享VPS服务器优惠信息!若您是商家可以在本站进行投稿,查看详情!此外我们还提供软文收录、PayPal代付、广告赞助等服务,查看详情! |
我们发布的部分优惠活动文章可能存在时效性,购买时建议在本站搜索商家名称可查看相关文章充分了解该商家!若非中文页面可使用Edge浏览器同步翻译!PayPal代付/收录合作 |
We noticed that you haven’t used your Google Voice number in a while. Because phone numbers are a limited resource, it is our policy to reclaim unused numbers so they can be made available to new users. If you’d like to keep your Google Voice number (269) 888-8888, you will need to make calls or send text messages by 2020年7月6日 by logging in to your account or using one of our mobile apps. Please remember that your current number will be reclaimed in 30 days unless you start using it. If the number is reclaimed, your existing messages will remain available in your account, but you will no longer be able to receive calls or text messages. |
三国麒麟说: 这号码太牛逼了
villanel说: 给我来个翻译,我再考虑是否回答这个帖子
注册说: Sorry. The number, 2698888888, you provided does not appear to be a Google Voice number. Click here to try again.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_您的 Google Voice 号码 (269) 888-8888 将在 30 天后过期 https://zhujicankao.com/34183.html