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为了解决多年疑惑,打算自己交学费亲测一下绿云 200G 和 15G 版本的实际性能差别,
主要是想对比他家的HDD 和 SSD 的 io、网速方面的差距 |
注册说: 地址: https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/160627/yet-another-benchmark-script-yabs-linux-benchmarking-script-using-dd-iperf-geekbench 源码: https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script/ 命令: # curl -sL yabs.sh | bash -s — -g -r -f/-d this option disables the fio (disk performance) test -i this option disables the iperf (network performance) test -g this option disables the Geekbench (system performance) test -h this option prints the help message with usage, flags detected, and local package (fio/iperf) status -r this option reduces the number of iperf locations (Online.net/WorldStream/HE.net) to lessen bandwidth usage -4 this option overrides the Geekbench 5 performance test and runs a Geekbench 4 test instead 测试随机IO你就直接: curl -sL yabs.sh | bash -s — -g -i
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:便宜国外vps论坛_有没有测试随机4k io 的方法或脚本? https://zhujicankao.com/34022.html