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You are suspended due to multiple account creation : #1428xx – yyy #1428xx – xxx
And you did not put your information, so we have no other choice but to close your accounts.
然后账号被close,已经无法登录。 跟客服撕中,也不知道给不给恢复,100O估计是没了。辣鸡网站,这能怪我么,既不能改手机号,又不能自己删除账号。
## update 这破商家坚持要没什么卵用的id card,算了,弃坑
Yes, that is true. I cannot receive SMS message for #1428, and unable to update it, so I registered another account. Same here, I did’t find an option to deactivate my previous account. How can I get my account ( #1428) back? And what do you mean by `my information`? Regards
Hello, By information we mean name, etc. Can you please provide us your id card so you can verify ?
Hello, I can pay with Paypal or credit card to verify that, or this is my personal blog address https://blog.newnius.com/ so you can also verify by that. I’m not willing to provice my id card picture directly and also I don’t want to provice you a fake one.
Hello, Sorry but if we can’t verify your identity we cannot validate your account/service.
Well, that’s fine. Have a good day.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:国外vps论坛_Ikoula 账号被suspend https://zhujicankao.com/33267.html