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这样我这个年付6.5. 2H1.1G 30G的小鸡是不是就变成圣何塞的了
- Dear ustomers,
- Last October, we sent you an e-mail explaining scheduled migration and conversion of one or more of your services. Unfortunately, we were not able to process that at the planned time, but we are now proceeding. Your service will be migrated to a new server and converted from alization. Unfortunately, due to shortage in stock and problems with the Serverhub Phoenix location, your service will be migrated from Phoenix to San Jose.
- What to expect:
- Your service’s IP address will change and there will be a few hours of downtime
- We will attempt to contact you in advance via ticket with your new IP address
- Data will be migrated, but you may have to update your operating system, software and configuration
- Although you will be moved to a more premium platform, pricing will remain the same
- Your service will be moved from Serverhub Phoenix to ColoCrossing San Jose.
- You will have to make a new rDNS request if desired for the new IP address
- You should back up any important files and be prepared to log in to your service to verify any issues
- Your disk space will shrink close to your actual usage level, and you can “expand” it later
- Privacy/permissions:
- In some cases, we may have to reset your virtual server’s password to ensure proper conversion
- If you do not want this done, contact us ahead of time to let us known; have your own backup
- Migration date:
- May 6th, pproximately 11AM to 7PM US Pacific Time
- Location change:
- Your service will be moved to San Jose, but can be moved back in the future if Phoenix is available
- You can also request you get the service moved to Los Angeles instead after conversion
- You may also request a cancellation and pro-rated refund if you are not satisfied with the change
- Service affected:
- (Located on PHXOVZ2)
- Please understand that some common compatibility issues may occur when your service is converted to use eck the network status page for any updates and for solution to common problems. Understand that the support team may be busier than usual during the week of migration, so do not hesitate to contact us sooner if you have any concerns.
- Your service will be moved from our older node, which is reaching end of life. It will be migrated to a newer node. The his newer server. Your plan will become a “package, which is our new line of services with more features than your current tly lower features than our premium website and have us cancel your ood option if you wish to migrate your data yourself or avoid any compatibility issues if you know that your software may run into configuration problems.
- Please refer to the previous e-mail for further information.
- Thank you,
- The am
- 尊敬的我们向您发送了一封电子邮件,说明您计划迁移和转换一项或多项服务的情况。不幸的是,我们无法在计划的时间进行处理,但是我们现在在进行。您的服务将被迁移到新虚拟化。不幸的是,由于库存不足和Serverhub Phoenix位置出现问题,您的服务将从Phoenix迁移到San Jose。
- 期望什么:
- 您服务的IP地址将更改,并且将有几小时的停机时间
- 我们将尝试通过机票与您的新IP地址提前联系您
- 数据将被迁移,但是您可能必须更新操作系统,软件和配置
- 尽管您将被转移到一个更高级的平台,但价格将保持不变
- 您的服务将从Serverhub Phoenix移至ColoCrossing San Jose。
- 如果需要新IP地址,则必须发出新的rDNS请求
- 您应该文件,并准备登录到服务以验证任何问题
- 您的磁盘空间将缩小到接近实际使用水平,以后可以“扩展”它
- 隐私/权限:
- 在某些情况下,我们可能必须重置您的虚拟密码以确保正确转换
- 如果您不希望这样做,请提前与我们联系以告知我们。有自己的备份
- 迁移日期:
- 2020年5月6日。美国太平洋时间大约上午11点至晚上7点
- 位置变更:
- 您的服务将移至圣何塞,但如果有菲尼克斯可用,将来可以移回
- 您也可以要求将转换后的服务转移到洛杉矶
- 如果您对更改不满意,也可以要求取消并按比例网络状态页面是否有任何更新以及常见问题的解决方案。请注意,在迁移的一周内,支持团队可能会比平时更忙,因此,如果您有任何疑问,请立即与我们联系。
- 您的服务将从我们的旧版服务器。您的计划将成为“ 高级网站上订购KVM服务,让我们取消您的OpenVZ6服务以按比例退款。如果您希望自己迁移数据或避免任何兼容性问题(如果您知道软件可能会遇到配置问题),则这是一个不错的选择。
- 请参阅以前的电子邮件以获取更多信息。
- 谢谢,
- VirMach团队
注册: 老哥,圣何塞已经不香了,我7.3刀的圣何塞,以前联通随意4k油管,现在1080q都不稳
poko: 爆炸了才让你移过去
- CloudCone,美国Win系统VPS云服务器少量补货,美国洛杉矶MC机房,KVM虚拟架构,3核4G内存1Gbps带宽,17.49美元/月
- CloudCone,黑色星期五特别优惠,美国便宜VPS云服务器低至5.5美元/年,美国洛杉矶MC机房,KVM虚拟架构,1核256M内存1Gbps带宽优化线路,5.5美元/年
- Friendhosting,黑色星期五特别优惠,全场VPS云服务器4.5折,虚拟主机4折,全球9大机房可选,KVM虚拟架构,1核512M内存100Mbps带宽不限流量,1.3欧元/月
- 云服务器已安装宝塔面板,宝塔面板5.9x升级为6.x教程及常见问题详细分享
- Nextarray,海外免备案独立服务器/VPS云服务器特价优惠,美国达拉斯机房,2核1G内存100Mbps带宽不限流量,1.99美元/月
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:吹一波vir,vir真的好良心啊受不鸟了。 https://zhujicankao.com/23673.html