主机参考:VPS测评参考推荐/专注分享VPS服务器优惠信息!若您是商家可以在本站进行投稿,查看详情!此外我们还提供软文收录、PayPal代付、广告赞助等服务,查看详情! |
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Hosting Security Monitoring System has detected that a DNS server is installed on your RU328335 server and it supports recursive queries.
This option, when enabled, allows scammers to use your server for DDoS attacks, and that is why it can be blockquoted for violation of the Public Offer Contract or its Annex in future.
Most likely, you forgot to disable such queries in the settings.
Security System cannot automatically disable this feature, so please disable it manually asap.
To disable this option for the standard Windows DNS server, please execute the following in the command line as administrator:
A copy of this message can also be found in your account under My Servers.
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