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将推出20刀套餐4H8G20G 永久在线 自定义
- Hey there
- About a year ago, we embarked on a mission to fix how building applications works. Over the last 6 months, we’ve improved Okteto significantly to give you one-click deployment of applications, a build service, a private container registry, a secret manager and preview environments with Github and Gitlab.
- We have a platform that streamlines your development process from building to previewing and all the way to deploying your applications.
- I’m really excited to announce the launch of the Developer Pro plan. For $20 dollars a month you’ll get:
- 4 CPUs, 8GB of Ram and 20 GB of storage to run your applications
- Custom DNS domains
- Your apps are always available and running
- 10 private images in the Okteto Registry
- Priority email support
- Start your 14-days free trial today, no credit card required.
- As a thank you for being an early adopter of Okteto, we have a special offer for you. If you upgrade to the Developer Pro before May 1st, you’ll get 3 namespaces instead of 1 for the same $20 per month. All you need to do to claim this offer is login to your account and start your Developer Pro trial before May 1st (that’s in a week, so hurry up!).
- We also made some changes to our free Developer plan, starting June 1st:
- 2 CPUs, 4GB of Ram and 10 GB of storage
- 3 private images in the Okteto Registry
- Apps will sleep after 24 hours of inactivity
- At Okteto we are committed to bringing you the most developer-friendly platform in the world. I hope we are succeeding. As always, feel free to reply back to this email with your feedback, comments, questions or ideas. I’m always looking forward to hearing from you!
- We can’t wait to see what you build.
- Happy coding!
- Ramiro
注册: 撸了个没碰过,不知道我的还在不在
chxin: 哪位大佬有v2镜像分享一个
lenchanlhz: 肯定是被撸怕了
jmmes: 什么报废不报废。
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:MJJ出征寸草不生,免费容器Okteto彻底报废 https://zhujicankao.com/21299.html 这几篇文章你可能也喜欢: