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Asia Market moving into Recovery Mode from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
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The economic impact of the Coronavirus hit China hard earlier this year, but after months of lockdowns and restrictions to contain the Coronavirus, business in China is beginning to return to normal.

QuadraNet Sales Executive, John Ma, is from Tianjin, China (30 minutes away from Beijing). John has remained in constant contact with his family and friends still living there, and thankfully, they are all safe and well during this global COVID-19 Pandemic.

John partic


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“I see more people are getting back to forums and they are talking about getting back to work. “
                 – says QuadraNet Sales Executive, John Ma.

Q: From your perspective, what impact did the Coronavirus have on Asian markets?

A: At the height of the Coronavirus pandemic in China, physical business were impacted the most, having to shut their doors, leaving a lot of people out of work. Online business took a hit as well, with small businesses being hit the hardest. What we did see, though, was an increase in the need for reliable and secure infrastructure as most transitioned to working online.

Q: Many businesses made the transition to working remotely to help stop the spread of the virus. What did you notice during this change?

A: The people who were still employed transitioned to working remotely. Because of this, there was a boost in Chinese online streaming, gaming, novel, VPS and Hosting industry. People are spending more time online so they need to have reliable infrastructure and equ


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A: We are the creator of Asia optimized Network. Our premiere AO blend includes CN2, CU, CMI, PCCW and Hinet. China Telecom, China Unicom, and China Mobile are the three biggest carriers in China, and all three of them are in our premiere AO blend.

We offer Asia optimized IP’s in both of our Los Angeles data centers located in Downtown Los Angeles, and Century City:



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Q: Which products and services have you received the most inquires about from the Asian market?

A: We received a lot of inquiries on our most recent promotion of the Intel Xeon E3-1230v2 dedicated servers, a cost effective and high quality performance server. We’ve also had many inquiries on our Intel Xeon Dual E5 Series dedicated servers, which are great enterprise-class servers for demanding and RAM intensive enterprise applications such as Technical Computing, Communications, Cloud Computing and virtualization.

Q: What do you foresee as Asia makes progress toward life after COVID-19?

A: I foresee the Asian Market making a slow but steady comeback. As expected, it will take time for it to regain momentum and perform at the speed that it was previously able to. The important thing is that we are seeing China make progress toward regaining some sort of normalcy. That is hopeful, and gives people and businesses globally something to look forward to, and to work toward. There is light at the end of the tunnel and we will get through this, together.

Q: Any closing thoughts?

A: As we continue to navigate this pandemic, QuadraNet will continue to base our best practices on the latest CDC recommendations in efforts to protect the health and safety of our clients and employees, and do our part in helping to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Through all of this, QuadraNet is ensuring that all data centers remain fully operational during the Coronavirus pandemic. Our DataCenters are equ


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