


作为国民经济发展的重要基础产业之一,电网是当前唯一可实现电能规模化、可控传输与配送的基础设施,对地方经济发展的重要性不言而喻。从长期看,我国的工业化、信息化、城镇化进程须臾离不开电能的保障。但由于近期新冠肺炎的出现,地方经济发展受到不同程度的影响。作为国家电网的全资子公司,国网湖北省电力有限公司(以下简称国网湖北电力)积极落实疫情防控各项措施,确保电网安全稳定运行,全力做好职工疫情防护,为打赢疫情防控阻击战,提供了可靠电力保障。 疫情期间,为保障位于武汉的湖北电网调度指挥中心和500千伏变电站集中监控不中断,国网湖北电力将主调人员分为A、B两组,两组人员之间隔离见面,分别在主调控大厅及应急调控大厅交替值班;调度员和监控员搬至附近酒店,实行24小时封闭式备班生活。同时,企业还对全省2400万居民用电客户采取欠费不停电措施,确保居民生活不受电力中断影响。

As one of the important basic industries in the development of national economy, power grid is the only infrastructure that can realize the scale, controllable transmission and distribution of electric energy at present, which is of great importance to the development of local economy. In the long run, the process of industrialization, informatization and urbanization in China can not be separated from the guarantee of electric energy. However, due to novel coronavirus pneumonia in recent years, local economic development has been affected to varying degrees. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of State Grid, State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as State Grid Hubei electric power) has actively implemented various measures for epidemic prevention and control, ensured the safe and stable operation of the power grid, made full efforts to protect employees from the epidemic, and provided reliable power guarantee for winning the fight against the epidemic prevention and control. During the epidemic, in order to ensure the uninterrupted centralized monitoring of Hubei power grid dispatching command center and 500 kV Substation in Wuhan, Hubei power grid of State Grid will divide the main dispatching personnel into two groups, group A and group B. the two groups will be isolated from each other and will be on duty in the main control hall and emergency control hall respectively. The dispatcher and the monitor will move to the nearby hotel and live in a 24-hour closed standby mode. At the same time, the enterprise has also taken measures against 24 million customers of residential electricity in the province to ensure that their lives are not affected by the power interruption.


At the same time, in order to avoid the risk of cross infection caused by offline personnel aggregation and facilitate the staff to work in a decentralized and efficient manner online, State Grid Hubei electric power research decided to use Huawei cloud welink system for the convening and liaison of enterprise emergency meetings, as an important supplement to the existing video Conference and OA system of the enterprise, effectively ensuring the smooth operation of the enterprise.


Since the account was registered on March 1, Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd. of State Grid has completed 7 sessions of solution training of about 3 hours each session through welink, with nearly 500 participants in each session, covering information center and technology company of provincial company, as well as technical personnel of more than 10 cities such as Xiangyang, Yichang and Huanggang. At the same time, Hubei electric power of State Grid also conducts full communication around the new scenarios to be planned and constructed by State Grid, such as IOT, 5g, etc., so that technicians can get charging opportunities even during the epidemic.


Through this training, State Grid Hubei Electric Power participants can not only skillfully use welink tools, but also complete a number of IOT technical exchanges, which makes the new decentralized network office mode of "no contact, strong collaboration" of enterprises quickly implemented. Before resumption of work, Hubei electric power of State Grid has carried out IOT platform test on Huawei cloud; after resumption of work, it is directly deployed and used, and with the help of Huawei cloud and welink, remote collaborative office is realized.


It is reported that Huawei cloud welink is an intelligent working platform suitable for government and enterprises of Huawei. During the epidemic period, it provides users with free video conference system. Units with less than 1000 users can open online free of charge, supporting 300 square real-time online meetings. And integrate the functions of health punch, video conference, instant message, email, SMS, voice, video, online disk, mobile approval, etc.



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