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Novel coronavirus pneumonia AI diagnostic technology was opened to the global hospitals in the forenoon of March 19th, and the CT diagnosis of suspected cases can be completed in 20 seconds. The accuracy rate is 96%, which can help the overseas epidemic areas to save medical resources significantly.
It is understood that this technology was developed by Damo hospital and has been put on line in more than 160 hospitals in China, accumulating more than 260000 cases of clinical diagnosis. This technique can help doctors to analyze CT images, quickly identify the part and proportion of the focus within 20 seconds, and quantify the severity of the case. For inpatients, quantitative analysis can also be used to track the change of focus, so as to help doctors adjust the treatment plan in time.
Currently, in the world, Alibaba cloud has deployed 63 zones in 21 regions, with services covering more than 200 countries and regions, providing a foundation for the rapid output of these technologies.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:阿里云:向全球免费开放新冠AI技术 准确率超96% https://zhujicankao.com/14253.html