



What is cloud special line


The cloud dedicated line is a proprietary data connection channel established between the user network and the VPC and public services in the cloud. Through the cloud dedicated line, the user's data center, office network, hosting area and cloud can be connected. The data transmitted by cloud private line is transmitted through special line, with low delay, high bandwidth, and more security and reliability.




Users need to realize the physical access of private line at the private line access point of the cloud. Users need to rent the private line of the operator network to establish the physical connection from the user network to the private line access point. The user network accesses the operator network, and then accesses to the special line gateway of the cloud through the three layers of users or operators' equipment, and then realizes the traffic forwarding from vrouter to VPC.


What are the network requirements for cloud private line access?

1、您必须使用单模的1GE或者10GE的光模块与主机参考云的接入设备对接。同时,需要提前与主机参考云专线POP点对齐LC、波长、距离等关键参数。光模块参数举例:1GE LC 单模 1310nm 10KM。2、必须禁用端口的自动协商功能,同时必须手动配置端口速度和全双工模式。3、必须跨整个连接 (包括中间设备) 支持 802.1Q VLAN 封装。

1. You must use a single-mode 1ge or 10GE optical module to interface with the access device of the host reference cloud. At the same time, it is necessary to align LC, wavelength, distance and other key parameters with the host reference cloud leased line pop point in advance. Exle of optical module parameters: 1ge LC single mode 1310nm 10km. 2. Port auto negotiation must be disabled and port speed and full duplex mode must be manually configured. 3. 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation must be supported across the entire connection (including intermediate devices).

4、您的设备须支持边界网关协议(BGP)和BGP MD5认证或支持静态路由。

4. Your device must support border gateway protocol (BGP) and BGP MD5 authentication or static routing.

5、(可选) 您可以在网络上配置双向转发检测 (BFD)。

5. (optional) you can configure bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) on the network.

6、在物理连接层上支持的最大传输单位 (MTU) 高达 1522 字节 (14 字节以太网标头 + 4 字节 VLAN 标记 + 1500 字节 IP 数据报 + 4 字节 FCS)。推荐参数值:1500。

6. The maximum transmission unit (MTU) supported on the physical connection layer is up to 1522 bytes (14 bytes Ethernet header + 4 bytes VLAN tag + 1500 bytes IP datagram + 4 bytes FCS). Recommended parameter value: 1500.


7. It is recommended to use private IP address in the cloud, and the interworking IP network segments cannot conflict.


Host reference provides high-quality cloud private line, which is used to realize high-speed, stable and secure communication between different network environments on the cloud, including cross regional IDC and cloud, or intranet interworking and private line access between cloud and cloud, effectively improving the flexibility of network topology. Based on the host reference cloud, a large-scale public cloud service provider is connected to provide users with a high-speed cloud leased line connection between the public cloud and the data center. For details, please refer to customer service QQ: zhujicankao.com.



本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:云专线接入有哪些网络要求? https://zhujicankao.com/14218.html

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