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RDS是关系型数据库服务(Relational Database Service)的简称,是一种即开即用、稳定可靠、可弹性伸缩的在线数据库服务。阿里云rds服务器,是指rds数据库服务器,即阿里云关系型数据库,那么阿里云rds服务器是什么?下面小编给你说说吧。
RDS is the abbreviation of relational database service. It is a kind of on-line database service that is ready to use, stable, reliable and elastic. Alibaba cloud RDS server refers to RDS database server, that is, Alibaba cloud relational database. What is Alibaba cloud RDS server? Let me tell you something about it.
基于阿里云分布式文件系统和SSD盘存储,RDS支持MySQL、SQL Server、PostgreSQL、PPAS(Postgre Plus Advanced Server,高度兼容Oracle数据库)和MariaDB TX引擎,并且提供了容灾、备份、恢复、监控、迁移等方面的全套解决方案。
Based on Alibaba cloud distributed file system and SSD disk storage, RDS supports mysql, SQL server, PostgreSQL, PPAs (postgre plus advanced server, highly compatible with Oracle database) and MariaDB TX engine, and provides a full range of solutions in disaster recovery, backup, recovery, monitoring, migration, etc.
If you want ECs to connect to RDS database, you must add the IP address of ECS ECs to the white list of RDS database, which is a necessary condition.
You need to purchase RDS separately
1. Select from the RDS section of alicloud website. There are three reference data: memory, storage space and the maximum number of connections. Before you buy, you can have a look at the general needs of your website. If it's a new station, you can buy the smallest model first. If it's not enough, you can upgrade it at any time in the future.
2. Purchase the package that suits you. After the payment is opened, log in to Alibaba cloud management console and you will see your RDS instance.
However, RDS is not 100% perfectly compatible with MySQL and MSSQL, especially with advanced functions such as stored procedures and views. There may be some compatibility problems when RDS is used.
RDS has a high standard for SQL statements. Try to standardize your statements when using them to avoid unnecessary troubles.
In addition, although RDS can be connected to the internal and external networks, it is recommended to use RDS with ECS for the purpose of delay. If RDS is not in the same computer room, it is not recommended to use RDS. Connection delay.
The above is an introduction to "what is alicloud RDS server". The host reference is a high-quality cloud service provider that earlier provided IAAs and PAAS services in China. Its cloud server can mount cloud disks and store big data. Three copies of cloud disk data are written in real time, which can ensure fast recovery in case of any copy failure, effectively avoid physical security threats, support flexible expansion at any time, and provide affordable price.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:阿里云rds服务器需不需要单独购买 https://zhujicankao.com/14212.html