



In recent years, bare metal servers have been mentioned many times in the cloud computing market. With the characteristics of high performance, elastic scaling, security isolation, etc., they have been quickly recognized by the market. The bare metal server integrates the advantages and characteristics of traditional physical machine and cloud server, so that single tenant has a completely physically isolated server. Users can not only obtain excellent computing performance guarantee, but also fully share the elastic expansion and fast flexibility of cloud server.


In the back of bare metal servers in full swing, computing power, storage, network, security and other logistics support are indispensable. In terms of network, in the previous article "detailed explanation of the role of VPC proprietary network of bare metal server", we have carried out in-depth analysis of VPC network. Today, we will refer to the bare metal server based on the host, talk about network technology again, and explore the role and advantages of NAT physical gateway, elastic IP, shared bandwidth, etc. in bare metal server.


Nat physical gateway


Nat physical gateway mainly provides access to the Internet for VPC proprietary network, helps customers build a public network traffic access in VPC environment, supports multiple bare metal servers to share elastic IP access to the Internet, supports IP level traffic control, quickly locates abnormal traffic, and troubleshoot network faults. Its core advantages are:


Billion level Concurrency: it supports ultra-high concurrent connections, and effectively deals with video services, the Internet of things, big data analysis and other scenarios.


Visualized management: visualized display of gateway performance status, visualized multi-dimensional monitoring alarm, convenient and efficient background management.


High performance access: a variety of NAT physical gateway instance specifications, single instance provides 10000 megabytes of throughput, easy to cope with peak traffic.


Low cost: no need to purchase extra elastic IP and bandwidth resources, support multiple bare metal servers to share public network bandwidth, and reduce costs.


Flexible deployment: it supports cross subnet and cross AZ deployment. Bare metal servers in VPC can share NAT physical gateway to access Internet.


High availability: it adopts high reliability design such as multi machine hot standby and cross machine room disaster recovery, with automatic fault switching, greatly improving service availability.


Address translation: support binding elastic public network IP instance and shared bandwidth package to realize address translation service between bare metal servers.


Elastic public IP

弹性公网IP提供独立的公网IP资源,用户可将弹性公网IP实例与裸金属服务器、负载均衡、NAT网关、 VPN网关等实例绑定或解绑。借助弹性IP地址,可快速将地址重新映射到账户中的另一个裸金属服务器或负载均衡上,从而屏蔽故障。其核心优势在于:

Elastic public IP provides independent public IP resources. Users can bind or unbind elastic public IP instances with bare metal servers, load balancing, NAT gateway, VPN gateway and other instances. With the help of elastic IP address, the address can be quickly remapped to another bare metal server or load balance in the account, thus shielding the fault. Its core advantages are:


Resource decoupling: pool IP and network bandwidth resources, support flexible binding, and support the allocation of IP to any resource.


Independent holding: independent public IP resources are held independently, without binding with other computing resources or storage resources.


Elastic bandwidth: it supports flexible adjustment of bandwidth threshold through auto scaling function, and the modification of bandwidth takes effect immediately.


High availability: multi line BGP network access, providing high-speed and stable network access environment.


Multiple billing modes: multiple billing strategies, supporting on-demand, bandwidth and traffic billing.


Save bandwidth cost: support to unbind and release at any time, calculate the cost according to the configured bandwidth, and the cost is the best.


Visual management: it provides second level monitoring and flexible alarm strategy, and shared bandwidth supports IP level monitoring.


Shared bandwidth

实现多台裸金属服务器共享网络带宽总量,提供地域级带宽共享和复用功能,支持同地域下所有已绑定弹性公网IP的云产品,包括裸金属服务器、NAT网关和负载均衡实例共享网络资源,增加带宽使用的灵活性。提供包括按小时、流量、带宽峰值、 增强型等多种计费模式,多方位降低宽带成本及公网IP管理的复杂度。其核心优势在于:

Realize the sharing of total network bandwidth by multiple bare metal servers, provide the function of regional bandwidth sharing and multiplexing, support all cloud products bound with elastic public IP in the same region, including bare metal servers, NAT gateways and load balancing instances to share network resources, and increase the flexibility of bandwidth use. It provides a variety of billing modes including hourly, traffic, bandwidth peak, enhanced and so on, which can reduce the broadband cost and the complexity of public IP management. Its core advantages are:


High bandwidth utilization: share free time bandwidth and improve bandwidth utilization. The higher the bandwidth utilization, the lower the cost.


Cost reduction: no need to purchase broadband separately, provide regional bandwidth multiplexing and sharing functions, and reduce the cost of broadband use.


Elastic bandwidth: super elastic bandwidth peak value, demand on demand, flexible expansion, pay according to the actual use of bandwidth.


Flexible configuration: support multiple services to flexibly configure shared bandwidth, and add / remove cloud products at any time.


Hong Kong bare metal server rental products are newly launched by the host reference. Hong Kong bare metal server is a physical cloud server rental service purchased on demand and paid by volume, which can provide a high-performance, secure and isolated physical server cluster dedicated to the cloud. For details, please refer to customer service zhujicankao.com.



本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:探究NAT物理网关、弹性IP、共享带宽等在裸金属服务器中的作用及优势 https://zhujicankao.com/14166.html

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