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As an important branch of cloud computing, bare metal server is one of the hottest and most discussed service modes at present. Because of its dual advantages of physical machine and virtual machine, it is quickly recognized and sought after by users. Bare metal server is a kind of physical server rental service that is purchased on demand, paid as you go, and delivered in minutes. It provides a high-performance, secure and isolated physical server cluster dedicated to the cloud.
As we all know, the real bare metal server must have four characteristics, that is, it has independent physical server, supports block storage cloud disk and local hard disk, supports VPC network and custom network, and can autonomously automate bulk operation and maintenance. What do these features mean for bare metal servers?
Today, we are going to discuss VPC VPC, and explore the purpose of VPC VPC for bare metal servers?
In fact, VPC can help customers build a secure and isolated network environment on the public cloud. In VPC network, customers can fully control their own exclusive network, including flexible customization of IP address range, configuration of routing table and gateway, creation of subnet, etc., and creation of various cloud resources such as bare metal server, database, big data, etc. in the subnet, so as to realize safe and easy resource access and application access.
What are the core advantages of VPC network?
Internal network interconnection: it supports VPC internal network interconnection. Through high-speed channel, VPC internal network interconnection of different regions and users can be realized.
Logical isolation: VPC is completely isolated, which can load dynamic IP, configure firewall and load balancing rules for any bare metal server.
Smooth migration: it supports the interconnection of local data center and cloud VPC, smooth migration of business to cloud, and implementation of large-scale hybrid cloud deployment.
Second level delivery: rapid and automatic deployment, simple configuration of VPN devices in user data center can complete the docking.
Access control: the industry standard access control strategy meets the high security isolation standards of government affairs and finance, so as to ensure the security of business.
Visualized management: visualized network performance status, visualized multi-dimensional monitoring alarm, convenient and efficient background management.
What are the features of VPC network?
路由表:VPC 网络可以支持VPN/隧道/DNS/端口转发等管理功能,以及对VPC内流量进行灵活调度、管理、控制。
Routing table: VPC network can support VPN / tunnel / DNS / port forwarding and other management functions, as well as flexible scheduling, management and control of traffic in VPC.
Hybrid cloud: support VPC and multiple IDC environments to build VPN tunnels, and form a hybrid cloud environment that takes public and private into account. Users can flexibly expand resources such as bare metal servers of application programs according to business volume, which can not only reduce the cost of it operation and maintenance of enterprises, but also avoid the spread of core data of enterprises.
Software Defined Network: support administrators to create and manage bare metal servers in VPC VPC, and flexibly manage network forwarding traffic of public network, hybrid cloud and other resources in VPC through reasonable setting of routing policies.
Load balancing: quickly improve service capability and enhance security; eliminate single point of failure; free DDoS attack defense function, dynamic start without delay.
DNS configuration: through DNS configuration, bind domain names for resources in the private network. Each domain name can specify multiple private IP addresses at the same time.
NAT Gateway: sharing public network IP, supporting access to VPC external services, supporting high-speed bandwidth, high availability of dual machine cluster, easily breaking the Internet access performance bottleneck.
Elastic public IP: a highly available elastic public IP address that can be bound to a specified bare metal server or mapped with a bare metal server.
VPC VPC may be used in these scenarios
Hybrid cloud environment deployment: by building a VPC private network hybrid cloud environment, users' core data is deployed in the local data center under the cloud, and high-speed channel transmission is used to ensure the rapid synchronization of data on the cloud, so as to realize data exchange between the cloud and the cloud.
Multi tenant security isolation: build an isolation network with strict security access control through VPC network. Users can deploy the core server or database system dealing with core data and business in a subnet that cannot be accessed by the public network to build a completely isolated business environment.
跨地域高速互联:云上业务完全基于VPC构建,帮助用户实现办公数据同步的跨VPC网络互联服务, 使私有网络IP在对等VPC之间路由流量,实现同地域或跨地域VPC网络互联。
Cross regional high-speed interconnection: cloud business is completely built on VPC, which helps users realize cross VPC network interconnection service of office data synchronization, enables private network IP to route traffic between peer VPCs, and realizes interconnection of VPC network with or across regions.
Public access access: SNAT configuration can be made for bare metal servers in VPC VPC. Multiple bare metal servers can access the Internet through the same public IP, and can replace the public IP at any time to avoid external attacks.
In the existing network environment, security is difficult to maintain, some business scenarios can not support, cost can not be effectively controlled and other problems occur frequently. However, the emergence of VPC proprietary network puts forward a better solution to solve the existing network problems. VPC VPC provides security, smooth migration and other advantages, which are very important for the hot bare metal servers.
Hong Kong bare metal server rental products are newly launched by the host reference. Hong Kong bare metal server is a physical cloud server rental service purchased on demand and paid by volume, which can provide a high-performance, secure and isolated physical server cluster dedicated to the cloud. For details, please refer to customer service zhujicankao.com.
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- Spinservers:美国达拉斯机房独立服务器年中推广!(达拉斯机场是美国的哪个城市?)
- 莱卡棉:七月促销!港美欧云服务器产品低至15.9元(徕卡论坛)
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:裸金属服务器VPC专有网络的作用详解 https://zhujicankao.com/14119.html