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Does alicloud's Hong Kong server need to be recorded? Yes, in fact, it's not only alicloud's Hong Kong server. At present, no ICP filing is needed in China when any manufacturer's Hong Kong server is used to build a station.
In fact, the purchase of ECS does not need to be recorded. What needs to be recorded in China is the website and domain name running on the ECS.
Hong Kong cloud server is suitable for foreign trade companies and customers who are eager to open websites, do not want to file or do not have the qualification to file. In addition to Hong Kong servers, websites built by hosts in Macao, Taiwan or other countries are not required to be filed.
In addition to alicloud's Hong Kong servers, the host reference also has high cost-effective Hong Kong hosts, with system reliability of over 99.95%. Combined with more than ten years of experience in host product operation, we strive to build a server product with high reliability, high IO, low price and easy to use, which is convenient, quick, buy it now, safe and reliable.
In addition, in addition to a variety of Hong Kong host products, there are also host reference and US host free of record. The global access speed is relatively good. The US space technology development is mature, resources are more abundant, and the price is relatively cheap.
Purchase link of high cost-effective ECS products https://www.mokayun.cn/cloud/
高性价比的云服务器产品购买链接 https://www.mokayun.cn/cloud/
- PacificRack,黑色星期五特别优惠,美国便宜VPS云服务器低至1折,美国洛杉矶QN自营机房,KVM虚拟架构,2核4G内存100Mbps带宽,仅15美元/年,约1.25美元/月
- ZJI,双十二特价优惠活动,香港免备案独立服务器5.5折,阿里云CN2专线,双线双IP,E5-2630L(6核12线程)处理器16G内存5Mbps CN2+BGP带宽,412.5元/月
- #实时更新#最新2021年主机商双十一活动汇总,国内外VPS主机商双11促销优惠活动汇总,海外免备案VPS云服务器/独立服务器超大带宽不限流量双11活动
- ZJI,双十一特价优惠,自营免备案香港独立服务器/独服一律55折,香港阿里云专线/BGP,Intel E5-2630L处理器16G内存5Mbps带宽CN2+BGP阿里云专线,412元/月
- ZJI,香港葵湾独立服务器/物理服务器特价优惠,终身55折循环优惠,CN2+BGP线路,E5-2630L处理器16G内存15Mbps带宽,522.5元/月
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:阿里云的香港服务器需要备案吗 https://zhujicankao.com/14028.html