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We noticed excessive bandwidth usage reported for your [ VM 12510, 155.94.xxx.xxx]. It doesn’t seem to be a normal usage.
To avoid further abuse of our network which may our other customers and help you avoid extensive bandwidth over-usage fees, we had to stop any further bandwidth usage from this spending your public network port.
You may console into your server via your control panel in order to fix the cause of this bandwidth abuse problem.
Please update this ticket with a detailed report as regards to what was done to fix this bandwidth abuse problem, so that we can verify from our end and enable your normal access to the server.
Current bandwidth: 526 Mbps.
We are looking forward to hearing back from you soon,
Thank you,
Aswin N. | Senior Support Engineer
acenter | 1-877-420-RACK
Asia Optimized ybrid Dedicated Servers Dedicated Servers
注册: 526 Mbps。厉害了
cquyf: 没到1g,差评
菜单: 土豪干的么 By: 世界灿烂盛大,欢迎回家。——《全球高考》
haozi: 楼主这个牛 之前几个MJJ说被暂停的 才100-200M
zz测速页面停掉 然后编一堆措施,从事件的起因,经过,结果 再到以后的预防措施 小学作文写过吧,保证书写过吧 结合一下,搞定
nico: 弄个隔壁节点分分钟超100M,同归于尽
envoy: 很明显,loc里也有pr的人
注册: 不到200m就被停了。。停了几个月我都还没有去联系开通,不知道能不能开通了
- HostSailor,国外VPS云服务器7折,荷兰/罗马尼亚机房,KVM/OVZ虚拟架构,2核512M内存1Gbps带宽,2.79美元/月
- 咸鱼云SaltyFishCloud,黑色星期五特别优惠,海外便宜低价VPS云服务器7折,德国CN2 GIA混合线路,KVM虚拟架构,1核1G内存300Mbps带宽,14.28美元/季
- UCloud快杰云服务器全球购:国内BGP、中国香港CN2 GIA和美日韩国际线路VPS首年低至37.5元,可选AMD或Intel处理器,期间推荐新用户送1年免费云服务器(2核4G3M)
- 美国知名企业Facebook正式改名为Meta,已于近日启用meta.com域名,或将开启元宇宙风口?
- HostSailor,万圣节优惠活动,全场VPS云服务器低至6.5折起,可选XEN/KVM/OVZ虚拟架构,海外便宜VPS云服务器特价优惠
本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:PR被暂停了,是LOC大佬干的吗? https://zhujicankao.com/13400.html