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今天小编给大家分享的是关于Juniper ISG1000防火墙光板卡扩容方法介绍,一起来看看吧!
Juniper ISG1000防火墙光板卡扩容
Juniper ISG1000防火墙端口不够,业务有新专线的对接,计划对其端口扩容。
关于Juniper ISG1000防火墙光板卡扩容方法介绍就分享到这里了,当然并不止以上和大家分析的办法,不过小编可以保证其准确性是绝对没问题的。希望以上内容可以对大家有一定的参考价值,可以学以致用。如果喜欢本篇文章,不妨把它分享出去让更多的人看到。
Today, I'm going to share with you an introduction to the expansion method of juniper isg1000 firewall optical card. Let's have a look!
Juniper isg1000 firewall optical card expansion
1、 Background needs
Juniper isg1000 firewall port is not enough, there is a new special line docking for business, and it is planned to expand its port capacity.
2、 Firewall needs to be restarted to take effect
The introduction to the expansion method of juniper isg1000 firewall optical board card is shared here. Of course, it is not only the above analysis method, but also the small edition can ensure its accuracy. Hope that the above content can have a certain reference value for you, can learn to apply. If you like this article, you can share it for more people to see.
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:关于Juniper ISG1000防火墙光板卡扩容方法介绍 https://zhujicankao.com/12702.html