


MogileFS是一套高效的文件自动备份组件,由Six Apart开发,广泛应用在包括LiveJournal等web2.0站点上。 MogileFS的特性: 工作在应用层,无单点,自动文件复制(复制的最小单位是class,而不是文件),传输中立且使用nfs或者http协议进行传输。 MogileFS的结构组成: tracker:是mogilefs的核心,是一个调度器,通过数据库来保存元信息,包括daemon,class,host等信息,主要职责:监控后端mogstore节点,并指示store节点完成数据的添加,删除,查询,及节点之间的复制. mogstore:实际数据的存储位置,通常伪一个http服务器. database:用来保存节点的全局信息.

1.安装MogileFS a.下载MogileFS MogileFS-Server:https://github.com/mogilefs/MogileFS-Server MogileFS-Utils:https://github.com/mogilefs/MogileFS-Utils perl-MogileFS-Client:https://github.com/mogilefs/perl-MogileFS-Client b.安装: 将文件解压并进入文件内

    [root@clone3 nginx-1.11.12]# make Makefile.PL

    [root@clone3 nginx-1.11.12]# make  make install

    [root@clone3 nginx-1.11.12]# yum install perl-IO-AIO123123


    参数解答:  总用量 8



    [root@Master mogilefs]# mkdir -p  /var/run/mogilefsd

           [root@Master mogilefs]# chown -R mogilefs.mogilefs /var/run/mogilefsd/


    [root@Master mogilefs]# mkdir -p /mog/mogdata

    [root@Master mogilefs]# chown -R mogilefs.mogilefs /mog/mogdata/


    [root@Master mogilefs]# service mogilefsd start

        Starting mogilefsd                                         

    [root@Master mogilefs]# service mogstored start

        Starting mogstored                                         




5.使用浏览器访问 这样一个mogilefs分布式存储就设置好了,只是mogilefsd进程和mogstored进程在统一主机上。 6.负载均衡设计结构 7.使用nginx实,现反向代理 使用nginx反向代理mogilefs时,要用到第三方模块在能使实现代理,nginx身不支持mogilefs的代理,下载模块快为nginx_mogilefs_module,下载地址:http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/download/nginx_mogilefs_module-1.0.4.tar.gz


8.配置两台mogilefs主机 在配置两台主机是,mogilefsd进程会在数据库中读取mogstord节点的信息,在配置时按照上述阐述仅可以配置,建议在一个mogilefsd节点上配置,另一个节点可以在数据库中读到。 9.测试结果 


Mogilefs is a set of efficient automatic file backup component developed by six apart, which is widely used in Web2.0 sites including livejournal. Features of mogilefs: working in the application layer, no single point, automatic file replication (the minimum unit of replication is class, not file), transmission neutral and using NFS or HTTP protocol for transmission. The structure of mogilefs is composed of: Tracker: it is the core of mogilefs, and it is a scheduler. It stores meta information through database, including the information of daemon, class, host, etc. main responsibilities: monitor the backend mogstore node, and instruct the store node to complete data addition, deletion, query, and replication between nodes. Mogstore: the storage location of actual data, usually pseudo one hour TTP server. Database: used to save the global information of nodes

1. Install mogilefs A. download mogilefs mogilefs server: https://github.com/mogilefs/mogilefs-server mogilefs-utils: https://github.com/mogilefs/mogilefs-utils perl-mogilefs-client: https://github.com/mogilefs/perl-mogilefs-client B. install: extract and enter the file

    [root@clone3 nginx-1.11.12]# make Makefile.PL

    [root@clone3 nginx-1.11.12]# make  make install

    [root@clone3 nginx-1.11.12]# yum install perl-IO-AIO123123

2. Profile explanation

Parameter answer: total consumption 8

3. Start and test

1. Create / var / run / mogilefsd directory and modify the genus, group and owner

    [root@Master mogilefs]# mkdir -p  /var/run/mogilefsd

           [root@Master mogilefs]# chown -R mogilefs.mogilefs /var/run/mogilefsd/

2. Create / MOG / mogdata directory and modify the genus, group, and owner

    [root@Master mogilefs]# mkdir -p /mog/mogdata

    [root@Master mogilefs]# chown -R mogilefs.mogilefs /mog/mogdata/

3. Start the mogilefsd process and the mogstored process

    [root@Master mogilefs]# service mogilefsd start

        Starting mogilefsd                                         

    [root@Master mogilefs]# service mogstored start

        Starting mogstored                                         

**The startup script here is installed by using RPM package, and comes with it. Generally, there is no service script installed by using make**

4. Use the management tool to configure the mogstore node host

* file actual access location**

5. Use a browser to access such a mogilefs distributed storage. Only the mogilefsd process and the mogstored process are on the unified host. 6. Load balancing design structure 7. Using nginx implementation, now the reverse agent. When using nginx reverse agent mogilefs, the third-party module should be used to realize the agent. Nginx does not support the agent of mogilefs. The download module is fast as nginx 65104; mogilefs ﹐ module, and the download address is http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/download/nginx ﹐ mogilefs ﹐ module-1.0.4.tar.gz

* for detailed parameters, please refer to the official document: http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/mogilefs.en.html**

8. Configure two mogilefs hosts. When configuring two hosts, the mogilefsd process will read the information of the mogstord node in the database. During the configuration, it can only be configured according to the above description. It is recommended to configure on one mogilefsd node, and the other node can be read in the database. 9. Test results




本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:Linux之使用MogileFS分布式文件系统并使用nginx实现反向代理 https://zhujicankao.com/12574.html

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转载请注明原文链接:主机参考 » Linux之使用MogileFS分布式文件系统并使用nginx实现反向代理


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