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4、打开ECS实例,远程连接到ECS云主机,在服务器上输入 yum install mysql 安装mysql服务;
5、在ECS云服务器连接RDS数据库,输入 mysql -h RDS的内网地址 -u RDS用户名 -p密码 要进入的数据库。
Alibaba cloud RDS refers to the cloud database. If you want to use RDS cloud database, you need to purchase it separately. So how does alicloud server connect to RDS? Next, we will introduce the steps for Alibaba cloud server to connect to RDS database.
1. Open the purchased RDS database, click the database connection to view the router where the VPC is located;
2. Open the ECS instance to view the VPC router of ECs, and make sure that they use the same router;
3. Add a white list group to the RDS database and add the IP address of your ECS ECs to the white list;
4. Open the ECS instance, connect to the ECS virtual machine remotely, and enter Yum install MySQL on the server to install the MySQL service;
5. Connect to RDS database on ECs ECs, and enter mysql-h RDS intranet address-u RDS user name-p password to enter the database.
The above is an introduction to the way Alibaba cloud server connects RDS. In fact, for general small and medium-sized enterprise websites, it is not necessary to purchase additional databases to use ECs.
If you want to know more, you are welcome to pay attention to the host reference industry information. Here are a lot of technical information about technology, database and server;
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:阿里云服务器连接rds的方法介绍 https://zhujicankao.com/12515.html