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The difference between network administrator and Internet bar administrator
Internet bar administrators are engaged in the most superficial work of network management, or even can say that they do not have the ability of network management at all. The profession embodied in this profession can be explained by "service". However, network administrators tend to be more professional in the network, whose scope of responsibility covers all aspects of the network, and have higher requirements for practitioners. The duties embodied in this profession can be explained by "management"
With the continuous progress of human beings, many new industries and jobs emerge, especially the rapid development of network technology. There are two similar jobs, namely, network administrator and Internet bar administrator. However, it is the difference of one word that makes many people misunderstand the two names. It is generally believed that network administrator is Internet bar administrator
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本文由主机参考刊发,转载请注明:网络管理员与网吧管理员的区别 https://zhujicankao.com/12443.html