
疫情下远程办公驱动云业务需求暴增 云服务从业者通宵应对



意大利一家信息技术商店的店主西蒙尼·梅里尼(Simone Merlini)周三下午两点参加了一场电话会议,事情听起来相当简单:向一位新客户演示亚马逊公司的三项云服务。







对于和梅里尼合作的跨许多公司来说,解决方案是亚马逊Amazon WorkSpaces这样的服务,它们的工作空间位于充满服务器的数据中心,企业可以在这里存储数据和软件,并将其在线传输给任何地方的用户





亚马逊在意大利撒丁岛的合作伙伴BeeToBit董事总经理费德里科?卡博尼(Federico Caboni)表示,他刚刚花了一整夜让位于首府卡利亚里一家机构的250名雇员居家办公。






在全球运营着210个数据中心的Digital Realty表示,由于发烧是感染新型冠状病毒的症状之一,该公司正在监测数据中心员工的体温。公司要求清洁工每天使用酒精含量至少为70%的溶液对数据中心门把手和生物识别读卡器等高频接触区域进行擦拭。Digital Realty表示,清洁工经过一段时间的培训后才能穿戴防护装备,并在一段时间后才会擦拭清洁剂。

Digital Realty还一直在确保数据中心有食物、水、燃料和睡觉的地方,工作人员驻点时间可达72小时。



为数据中心维护电力和冷却系统的Critical Environments Group发言人伊丽莎白?佩谢尔(Elizabeth Peichel)说,尽管由于访客数量的限制,一些客户推迟了升级,但一些系统仍然需要维修。但她说,目前配件的发货时间是平常的三倍。此外市场研究机构TrendForce也表示,由于需求旺盛,一些服务器配件的价格上涨了5%至20%。

The novel coronavirus has spread many companies to open home office mode, and the demand for cloud services has prompted the industry to work all night, and the data center of "cloud" has also spawned measures to ensure normal operation.

Simone Merlini, owner of an information technology store in Italy, took part in a conference call at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, and it sounded quite simple: presenting three Amazon cloud services to a new customer.

He ended his work at 1 a.m. and sat down for dinner. Because the 400 employees of the client are ready to work at home for the first time, merini has to carry out a high load of work.

"You can imagine the expression on my face in a conference call when their needs change," he said.

In recent weeks, novel coronavirus has spread worldwide, and many enterprises have flocked to cloud computing services, and the demand for home office software has increased sharply. The small IT companies that install these systems have to deal with a lot of consulting from their customers, such as MELINI's besharp near Milan, which has only 35 employees. At the same time, the demand for cloud services has also spawned extraordinary measures in the data center that forms the "cloud".

Novel coronavirus managers said they were measuring their body temperature, checking whether they have a fever, limiting the number of visitors, and providing food, water and other supplies to ensure that the global service becomes more important for cloud services to withstand any impact of the new coronavirus spread.

"This is a complex and sad period. But from a business point of view, it's incredible for us, "said MELINI, who is at home. Unable to find a carer, he and his wife took turns looking after the two-year-old.

Most of the world's enterprises still rely on software and computers placed in physical offices, which are not easily accessible by other means. However, due to the impact and restrictions of the epidemic, many employees are difficult to access these offices, but enterprises must try to continue to operate.

For many companies that work with merini, the solution is services like Amazon workspaces, which are located in a data center full of servers, where enterprises can store data and software and transmit them online to users everywhere.

Amazon's AWS said it received many inquiries from customers after the outbreak, but declined to elaborate.

Job rush

Meirini, who has a business partner with Amazon, said the cloud computing giant had sent him five potential customers in recent days. Five other companies contacted them directly.

'laptops are not common in Italian companies,' Mr. merini said. So is one of his clients. But MELINI helped their local staff implement cloud computing in one night. Customers immediately ordered chromebook laptops from Amazon, the first of which arrived Friday, he said.

Federico caboni, managing director of beetobit, Amazon's partner in Sardinia, Italy, said he had just spent the whole night working at home with 250 employees at an institution in the capital, Cagliari.

Kaboni said the agency has strict security restrictions on employees' use of personal equipment at work because it processes private data for citizens. The customer has been testing Amazon's workspaces, he said, otherwise "it will be a challenge and quite expensive to finish everything at the last minute."

Talkdesk provides customer service personnel with software that enables them to answer calls at home. The company said it had attracted a new company by offering free three-month services to new customers.

Talkdesk said the new financial services client hopes to have 50 agents working remotely in Seattle by April. Talkdesk is building a stronger system for up to 450 agents in other locations at the Seattle level, and the company plans to give customers a free two-week trial of the talkdesk mobile app.

new measures

The door of the data center has been closed to customers, consultants and construction personnel, and the operator only leaves core personnel to avoid the virus infection of skilled workers in charge of the operation of the data center. These skilled workers are responsible for maintaining complex equipment and network connections in the data.

Have a fever of 210 novel coronavirus symptoms, Digital Realty, which operates the world's data center, is monitoring the temperature of employees in data centers. The company requires cleaners to use a solution with an alcohol content of at least 70% every day to wipe the high-frequency contact areas such as data center door handle and biometric card reader. According to digital realty, cleaners will not be able to wear protective equipment until they have been trained for some time, and will not be able to wipe the detergent for some time.

Digital realty has also been ensuring that the data center has food, water, fuel and sleeping space, with staff staying up to 72 hours.

VMware, the leading provider of telecommuting tools, says it divides its staff into smaller groups "to cover more shifts and provide backup staff" to ensure the data center "runs continuously.".

Equinix's 200 data centers now have similar systems for temperature testing, health and travel surveys. The company said it would remotely manage any data center with confirmed cases, staff from other places would fill the gaps, and staff from the relevant data center would be quarantined.

Elizabeth peichel, a spokesman for critical environments group, which maintains power and cooling systems for data centers, said that while some customers have delayed upgrading due to the number of visitors, some systems still need to be repaired. But she said the delivery time of parts is three times that of normal. In addition, trendforce, a market research firm, said that due to strong demand, the price of some server accessories increased by 5% to 20%.



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