
微软确认与Reliance Jio合作建立Project xCloud


微软已经确认,它正在与Reliance Jio合作,将其游戏流媒体服务Project xCloud引入印度。微软发言人告诉The Mako Reactor,“是的,我们证实了我们打算与Reliance Jio一起将xCloud Project带给印度游戏玩家的消息,这是我们2月下旬在孟买举办的Future Decoded活动的一部分。” Digit的要求与Microsoft保持一致。微软告诉Digit:“我们很高兴在今年晚些时候将Project xCloud预览版带到印度,并向伟大的印度游戏社区学习。我们正在与Jio探索我们的选择,但目前没有更多可分享的内容。” 没有关于该服务启动日期的信息,“很快”并没有真正给我们一个时间表。

在伦敦举行的XO19上,微软宣布Project xCloud将在2020年作为预览版到达印度海岸。借助Project xCloud,游戏玩家将能够将Xbox游戏从互联网流式传输到他们的智能手机或平板电脑。随着向新区域的扩展,xCloud也将在2020年用于Windows 10 PC。

有关Microsoft与Reliance Jio之间的合作关系的信息在Future Decoded主题演讲中揭晓,微软首席执行官Satya Nadella和Reliance Industries董事长兼董事总经理Mukesh Ambani进行了交谈。依靠Jio服务以可承受的价格向消费者提供数据,Reliance Jio有助于将印度置于全球数据消费地图上。

Project xCloud是Microsoft的游戏流服务,用户可以在其中将游戏从云流式传输到他们的智能手机,并使用Xbox One控制器进行游戏。您可以在此处阅读有关Project xCloud的更多信息。

如果您希望将游戏从Xbox One控制台流式传输到Android智能手机,请知道您甚至可以在今天进行操作。Xbox控制台流预览在印度可用。该服务将使用户可以将游戏从Xbox One控制台流式传输到Android手机或平板电脑。游戏需要安装在控制台上。这与Project xCloud不同。

Microsoft has confirmed that it is working with reliance jio to bring its game streaming service project xcloud to India. A Microsoft spokesman told the Mako reactor, "yes, we confirmed our intention to bring xcloud project to Indian gamers together with reliance jio as part of our future decoded event in Mumbai in late February." Digital's requirements are consistent with Microsoft's. "We are pleased to bring the preview of project xcloud to India later this year and learn from the Great Indian game community," Microsoft told digital. We're exploring our options with jio, but there's no more to share right now. " There is no information about the start date of the service, and "soon" doesn't really give us a schedule.

At xo19 in London, Microsoft announced that project xcloud will arrive on the Indian Coast in 2020 as a preview. With project xcloud, gamers will be able to stream Xbox games from the Internet to their smartphones or tablets. With the expansion to new areas, xcloud will also be used for windows 10 pcs in 2020.

Information about the partnership between Microsoft and reliance jio was revealed in the future decoded keynote speech, where Satya NADELLA, chief executive officer of Microsoft, and Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing director of Reliance Industries talked. Relying on jio services to provide data to consumers at affordable prices, reliance jio helps place India on a global data consumption map.

Project xcloud is Microsoft's game streaming service, where users can stream games from the cloud to their smartphones and play games with Xbox one controllers. You can read more about project xcloud here.

If you want to stream games from the Xbox one console to an Android smartphone, know that you can even do it today. Xbox Console stream preview is available in India. The service will allow users to stream games from the Xbox one console to an Android phone or tablet. The game needs to be installed on the console. This is different from project xcloud.



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