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TCP/IP网络协议栈分为应用层(Application)、传输层( Transport)、网络层(Network)和链路层(Link)四层。
实现数据包的选路和转发。负责点对点(point to point)的传输(“点”:主机或路由器)。网络层向上层协议隐藏了网络拓扑连接的细节,在传输层和应用层看来通信双方是直接相连的。
传输层为两台主机上的应用程序提供端到端(end to end)的通信。传输层只关心通信的起始端和目的端,而不在乎数据包的中转过程。
UDP协议不面向连接,也不保证可靠性,有点像寄信,写好信放进邮筒里,既不能保证信件在邮递过程中不会丢失, 也不能保证信件是按顺序寄到目的地的。使用UDP协议的应用程序需要自己完成丢包重发、消息排序等工作。
当帧到达目的主机时 ,将沿着协议栈自底向上依次传递。各层协议依次处理帧中本层负责的头部数据,以获取所需的信息,并将处理后的帧交给目的应用程序。这个过程称为分用( demultiplexing)。
整理自《Linux高性能服务器编程》第1章,《Linux C一站式学习》第36章
TCP / IP network protocol stack is divided into application layer, transport layer, network layer and link layer.
1. Data link layer
The network driver of network card interface is implemented.
Protocol: ARP protocol and RARP protocol
ARP protocol: target machine IP address - (ARP Protocol) →
MAC address of target machine →
Target machine
RARP protocol: (diskless workstation) MAC address - (RARP protocol) → IP address
2. network layer
Realize packet routing and forwarding. Responsible for point-to-point transmission ("point": host or router). The network layer hides the details of the network topology connection from the upper layer protocol. In the view of the transmission layer and the application layer, the communication parties are directly connected.
Protocol: IP protocol, ICMP Protocol.
IP protocol determines how to deliver a packet according to its destination IP address. If the packet can not be sent directly to the destination host, the IP protocol will find a suitable next hop router for it, and deliver the packet to the router for forwarding. IP protocol uses hop by hop method to determine the communication path.
ICMP Protocol is an important supplement of IP protocol, which is used to detect network connection.
3. transport layer
The transport layer provides end-to-end communication for applications on both hosts. The transport layer only cares about the start and destination of communication, but not the transfer process of packets.
Protocol: TCP, UDP, SCTP
TCP protocol
Provide reliable, connection oriented and stream based services for the application layer;
TCP protocol uses time-out retransmission, data determination and other methods to confirm that the datagram is correctly sent to the destination
The two sides who use TCP protocol to communicate must first establish a TCP connection and maintain some necessary data structures for the connection in the kernel. At the end of the communication, both parties must close the connection to release the kernel data.
The TCP protocol is stream based, and the data has no boundary (length) limit. The sender can write data to the data stream byte by byte, and the receiver can read it out byte by byte
UDP protocol
Provide unreliable, connectionless, datagram based services for the application layer.
UPD protocol can not guarantee the data from the sender to the destination correctly. Applications using UDP protocol usually need to process data confirmation, timeout retransmission and other logic by themselves.
UDP protocol is connectionless, so every time the application sends data, it must specify the address of the receiver (IP address and other information).
Each UPD datagram has a length, and the receiver must read all its contents at one time in the minimum unit of the length, otherwise the data will be truncated.
TCP is a connection oriented and open protocol. It's a bit like making a phone call. After both parties pick up the phone to exchange identities, they establish a connection, and then talk. This way, you can hear it, and you can hear it in the order of speaking. When you finish speaking, hang up and disconnect. In other words, the two sides of TCP transmission need to establish a connection first, and then the TCP protocol ensures the reliability of data receiving and sending. The lost data packets are automatically retransmitted. The upper application receives always reliable data flow, and the connection is closed after communication.
UDP protocol is not connection oriented and does not guarantee reliability. It's a bit like sending a letter. Writing a letter and putting it in the mailbox can neither guarantee that the letter will not be lost in the process of mailing nor that the letter will be sent to the destination in order. Applications using UDP protocol need to complete packet loss retransmission, message sorting, etc.
SCTP is designed to transmit telephone signals over the Internet.
4. application layer
Responsible for handling the logic of the application
Application layer protocol (or program) may skip the transport layer and directly use the services provided by the network layer, such as ping program and OSPF protocol.
Application layer protocols (or programs) can usually use both TCP services and UDP services, such as DNS protocol.
Encapsulation of TCP / IP packets
Ethernet frames use a 6-byte (48 bit) destination physical address and a 6-byte (48 bit) source physical address (MAC address) to represent both sides of the communication.
There are three values in the protocol type field, corresponding to IP, ARP and Rapp respectively.
The data length of Ethernet frame specifies the minimum 46 bytes and the maximum 1500 bytes. The length of ARP and RARP packets is not enough 46 bytes, so it is necessary to fill in the following bits. The maximum value 1500 is called the Ethernet maximum transmission unit (MTU). Different network types have different MTUs. If a packet is routed from Ethernet to the dial-up link, and the length of the packet is larger than the MTU of the dial-up link, the packet needs to be transmitted in segments.
The 4-byte CRC field at the end of the frame provides cyclic redundancy checking for the rest of the frame.
Frame is the last byte sequence transmitted over the network.
Communication process of TCP / IP packets across routers
The data link layer (driver) encapsulates the electrical details of the physical network;
The network layer encapsulates the details of network connection;
The transport layer encapsulates an end-to-end logical communication link for the application program, which is responsible for data sending and receiving, link timeout reconnection, etc.
Separate use
When the frame reaches the destination host, it will pass from bottom to top along the protocol stack. Each layer protocol processes the header data in the frame in order to obtain the required information, and hands the processed frame to the target application program. This process is called de multiplexing.
The allocation is realized by the type field in the header information.
Organized from Chapter 1 of Linux high performance server programming, chapter 36 of Linux C one stop learning
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