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"5g + X" joint entrepreneursh
The "5g + X" joint venture c will focus on cloud, AI and 5g, give full play to their respective technical advantages together with Internet industry customers and partners, and carry out joint innovation in 5g games, smart media, online education, smart e-commerce, 5g live broadcast, Kunpeng + shen
In the activity, Nie song, CTO of Huawei cloud + 5g + X solution, delivered a keynote speech "the present and future of 5g + X innovation scene". He said that from the single machine era, the computing era, the Internet era, to the mobile Internet era, some of our great applications and innovations in recent years are based on bandwidth and cloud computing. 4G changes life, 5g changes the world, and now 5g will innovate and upgrade thousands of industries. In the future, 5g may also change the business architecture of Tob enterprises. Cloud, AI, 5g and edge integration innovation will bring a new experience to the Internet industry. In the dialogue between the big guys, Wen Xiangdong, partner of egret technology and CEO of cloud Heron technology, said that cloud, AI and 5g are the major trends and are developing rapidly. There is a huge space for application scenarios and ability imagination, and there are opportunities for all ends of the industry chain. For exle, in the early stage of H5 game and small game industry, the industry chain integration solution provider may play an important role at this stage. Facing such a huge development opportunity, enterprises need to rapidly promote
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