


Server downtime is frequent, even in the era of cloud computing, so some people will ask: what is the availability of cloud server? Does it, as some companies say, not exceed traditional physical server hosting?

In fact, in the development of cloud computing, bare metal servers have put forward a good solution to reduce server downtime. In a real sense, bare metal servers have four advantages: lossless performance, elastic computing, pay as you go, automatic operation and maintenance.

The real bare metal server is a comprehensive product of "virtual machine + physical machine". Each physical server in the cluster has a mirror image of the cloud server. Even if one cloud server or physical machine in the cluster goes down, the system will automatically warn, automatically allocate according to the load of the server in the cluster, and greatly improve the security and stability of the server. Bare metal servers emphasize these four significant features:

1. Independent physical server. That is to say, users only enjoy physical resources to ensure stable performance and meet the stringent requirements of data security and supervision.

2. Block storage cloud disk. Users can mount and unload the cloud disk online to meet the requirements of elastic storage; at the same time, local hard disk is also supported.

3. VPC network. Build a safe and isolated network environment for users. In VPC, you can customize IP, subnet, configure routing table and gateway, and realize elastic IP, shared bandwidth and other functions.

4. Independent and automatic bulk operation and maintenance. Support users to manage bare metal server cluster online, including remote control of computing node on-off, remote update, monitoring system operation status, etc.

How to avoid downtime of bare metal server

In the environment of bare metal server, in case of hardware and software failure of virtual machine or elastic physical machine, the operation and maintenance management and control system can automatically migrate the instance. The host can play a role immediately by referring to the high availability mechanism of bare metal server to complete the online automatic migration and recovery of downtime. The whole process will not have any impact on customers, which can greatly reduce the recovery time of IaaS infrastructure failure, minimize the business interruption of customers, and basically do not affect the normal access and application of the website.

It can be seen that server downtime such as wechat, Sina Weibo and Apple App store can be avoided. The causes of these problems are all CPU, ram, disk I / O and network environment failure; failure caused by data not stored in multi copy redundancy and deleted by mistake; business flow surging instantaneously, and the background does not have minute level business elastic scalability, etc.

Fortunately, bare metal servers have put forward some very practical and reliable solutions for various problems of server downtime, such as the host's one key deployment and delivery with reference to bare metal's minute level full automation, data distributed tr


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