







& lt?php包含(& amp#39;表情符号。#39;);#浏览器嗅探告诉我们一部docomo手机#提交了此文本$clean_text =表情符号_ DoCoMo _ to _ unified($ _ POST【message】);...#现在我们想在桌面浏览器中显示它$html =表情符号_统一_到_ html($ clean _ text);?& gt回复代码如下:

& lt?Php/*方北工作室http://www.fangbei.org/ 2015版权所有*/define(“TOKEN & quot;,& quot微信& quot);$ wechatObj = new wechatCallbackapiTest();如果(!isset($ _ GET【& amp;#39;回声报& amp#39;】)){ $ wechatobj -》;response msg();} else { $ wechatobj -& gt;valid();} class wechatcallbackapistest {//验证签名publicfunction是否有效(){ $ echostr = $ _ get【“echostr & quot;];$ signature = $ _ GET【& quot;签名& quot];$ timestamp = $ _ GET【& quot;时间戳& quot];$ nonce = $ _ GET【& quot;nonce&quot];$ token = TOKEN$ TM parr = array($ token,$timestamp,$ nonce);SORT($ TM parr,SORT _ STRING);$tmpStr =内爆($ TM parr);$ tmps tr = sha1($ tmps tr);if($ tmpStr = = $ signature){ header(& amp;#39;内容-类型:文本& amp#39;);echo $ echoStr退出;} }//响应消息公共函数Response msg(){ $ poststr = $ globals【“HTTP _ RAW _ POST _ DATA & quot;];如果(!empty($ postStr)){ $ this -》;记录器(& quotR \ r \ n & quot。$ postStr);$ post obj = SimpleXML _ load _ string($ postStr,& amp#39;SimpleXMLElement & amp#39;,LIBXML _ NOCDATA);$ RX _ TYPE = trim($ post obj -& gt;msg type);//消息类型分隔开关($ RX _ TYPE){ case“event & quot;:$ result = $ this -& gt;receive event($ post obj);打破;案例& quot文本& quot:$ result = $ this -& gt;receive text($ post obj);打破;默认值:$ result = & quot未知的邮件类型:& quot。$ RX _ TYPE打破;} $ this -& gt;记录器(& quotT \ r \ n & quot。$ result);echo $ result} else { echo & quot";退出;} }//接收事件消息私有函数receive event($ object){ $ content =“& quot;;开关($ object -》;事件){案例& quot订阅& quot:$ content = & quot欢迎来到方贝直播间”;打破;案例& quot取消订阅&quot:$ content = & quot不注意”;打破;案例& quot单击&quot:开关($ object -》;事件键){ case & quot公司& quot:$ content = array();$ content【】= array(& quot;标题& quot= & gt"方北工作室“,& quot描述&quot= & gt"",& quotPicUrl & quot= & gt"http://discuz . com Li . com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon . jpg & quot;,& quotUrl & quot= & gt"http://m.cnblogs.com/? u = txw 1958);打破;默认值:$ content = & quot点击菜单:“。$ object -》;EventKey打破;} break默认值:$ content = & quot接收新事件:& quot。$ object -》;事件;打破;} if(is _ array($ content)){ if(isset($ content【0】【& amp;#39;PicUrl & amp#39;】)){ $ result = $ this -》;transmit news($ object,$ content);} else if(isset($ content【& amp;#39;MusicUrl & amp#39;】)){ $ result = $ this -》;transmit music($ object,$ content);} } else { $ result = $ this -& gt;transmitText($ object,$ content);} return $ result}//接收文本消息私有函数received text($ object){ $ keyword = trim($ object -》;内容);//多客服人工回复模式if(str str($ keyword,“请问您在吗”)| | str str($ keyword,& quot在线客户服务“){ $ result = $ this -& gt;transmitService($ object);返回$ result}//自动回复模式if(str str($ keyword,“Text“){ $ content = & quot;这是一条短信”;} else if(strstr($ keyword,& quotexpression“)){ $ content = & quot;中国。$ this -》;字节到表情符号(0x1F1E8)。$ this -》;字节到表情符号(0x1F1F3)。"\n仙人掌:“。$ this -》;字节_到_表情符号(0x1f 335);} else if(strstr($ keyword,& quot单个图形“)){ $ content = array();$ content【】= array(& quot;标题& quot= & gt"单一图形标题描述&quot= & gt"单一图形内容“,& quotPicUrl & quot= & gt"http://discuz . com Li . com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon . jpg & quot;,& quotUrl & quot= & gt"http://m.cnblogs.com/? u = txw 1958);} else if(strstr($ keyword,& quotgraphic“)| | strstr($ keyword,& quot多图形“)){ $ content = array();$ content【】= array(& quot;标题& quot= & gt"多画面1标题“,& quot描述&quot= & gt"",& quotPicUrl & quot= & gt"http://discuz . com Li . com/weixin/weather/icon/cartoon . jpg & quot;,& quotUrl & quot= & gt"http://m.cnblogs.com/? u = txw 1958);$ content【】= array(& quot;标题& quot= & gt"多画面2标题“,& quot描述&quot= & gt"",& quotPicUrl & quot= & gt"http://d . hi photos . BD img . com/wise game/pic/item/f 3529822720 e 0 cf 3a C9 f1 ada 0846 f 21 FBE 09 AAA 3 . jpg & quot;,& quotUrl & quot= & gt"http://m.cnblogs.com/? u = txw 1958);$ content【】= array(& quot;标题& quot= & gt"多画面3标题“,& quot描述&quot= & gt"",& quotPicUrl & quot= & gt"http://g . hi photos . BD img . com/wise game/pic/item/18 CB 0a 46 f 21 FBE 090d 338 acc6a 600 c 338644 adfd . jpg & quot;,& quotUrl & quot= & gt"http://m.cnblogs.com/? u = txw 1958);} else if(strstr($ keyword,& quotmusic & quot)){ $ content = array();$ content = array(& quot;标题& quot= & gt"最耀眼的民族风格”,& quot描述&quot= & gt"歌手:凤凰传奇。MusicUrl & quot= & gt"" & quot;HQMusicUrl & quot= & gt"");} else { $ content = date(& quot;y-m-d H:I:s & quot;,time())。"\ n penid:& quot;。$ object -》;from用户名。"\n技术支持方贝工作室“;//$ content = & quot;";} if(is _ array(content)){ if(isset(content【0】)){ $ result = $ this -》;transmit news($ object,$ content);} else if(isset($ content【& amp;#39;MusicUrl & amp#39;】)){ $ result = $ this -》;transmit music($ object,$ content);} } else { $ result = $ this -& gt;transmitText($ object,$ content);} return $ result}//回复短信私有函数transmit text($ object,$ content){ if(!isset(content)| | empty(content)){ return & quot;";} $ xmlTpl = & quot& ltxml & gt& ltToUserName & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/touser name & gt;& ltfrom用户名& gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/from用户名& gt& lt创建时间& gt% s & lt/create time & gt;& ltMsgType & gt& lt!【CDATA【text】】& gt;& lt/msg type & gt;& lt内容& gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/Content & gt;& lt/XML & gt;";$ result = sprintf($ xmlTpl,$ object -& gt;from用户名,$ object -& gt;ToUserName,time(),$ content);返回$ result}//回复图文消息私有函数transmit news($ object,$ news array){ if(!is _ array($ news array)){ return & quot;";} $ itemTpl = & quot& lt项目& gt& ltTitle & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/Title & gt;& lt描述& gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/Description & gt;& ltPicUrl & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/pic URL & gt;& ltUrl & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/Url & gt;& lt/item & gt;";$ item _ str = & quot";foreach($ news array as $ item){ $ item _ str。= sprintf($ item TPL,$ item【& amp;#39;标题和标题。#39;】,$ item【& amp;#39;描述&amp。#39;】,$ item【& amp;#39;PicUrl & amp#39;】,$ item【& amp;#39;Url & amp#39;]);} $ xmlTpl = & quot& ltxml & gt& ltToUserName & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/touser name & gt;& ltfrom用户名& gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/from用户名& gt& lt创建时间& gt% s & lt/create time & gt;& ltMsgType & gt& lt!【CDATA【新闻】】& gt& lt/msg type & gt;& lt文章计数》% s & lt/article count & gt;& lt文章& gt$ item _ str & lt/Articles & gt;& lt/XML & gt;";$ result = sprintf($ xmlTpl,$ object -& gt;from用户名,$ object -& gt;ToUserName,time(),count($ news array));返回$ result}//回复音乐消息私有函数transmit music($ object,$ music array){ if(!is _ array($ music array)){ return & quot;";} $ itemTpl = & quot& lt音乐& gt& ltTitle & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/Title & gt;& lt描述& gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/Description & gt;& ltMusicUrl & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/MusicUrl & gt;& ltHQMusicUrl & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/hqmusicrl & gt;& lt/Music & gt;";$ item _ str = sprintf($ item TPL,$ music array【& amp;#39;标题和标题。#39;】,$ music array【& amp;#39;描述&amp。#39;】,$ music array【& amp;#39;MusicUrl & amp#39;】,$ music array【& amp;#39;HQMusicUrl & amp#39;]);$ xmlTpl = & quot& ltxml & gt& ltToUserName & gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/touser name & gt;& ltfrom用户名& gt& lt!【CDATA【% s】】& gt;& lt/from用户名& gt& lt创建时间& gt% s & lt/create time & gt;& ltMsgType & gt& lt!【CDATA【音乐】】& gt& lt/msg type & gt;$ item _ str & lt/XML & gt;";$ result = sprintf($ xmlTpl,$ object -& gt;from用户名,$ object -& gt;ToUserName,time());返回$ result}//byte to表情符号表情函数bytes _ to _表情符号($ CP){ if($ CP》0x 10000){ # 4 bytes return chr(0xf 0 |($ CP & amp;0x1c 0000)& gt;& gt18)).chr(0x 80 |($ CP & amp;0x3f 000)& gt;& gt12)).chr(0x 80 |($ CP & amp;0x fc 0)& gt;& gt6)).chr(0x 80 |($ CP & amp;0x3F));} else if($ CP & gt;0x 800){ # 3 bytes return chr(0x E0 |($ CP & amp;0xf 000)& gt;& gt12)).chr(0x 80 |($ CP & amp;0x fc 0)& gt;& gt6)).chr(0x 80 |($ CP & amp;0x3F));} else if($ CP & gt;0x 80){ # 2 bytes return chr(0xc 0 |($ CP & amp;0x7c 0)& gt;& gt6)).chr(0x 80 |($ CP & amp;0x3F));}else{ # 1字节return chr($ CP);} }//日志记录私有函数logger($ log _ content){ if(isset($ _ server【&;#39;HTTP_APPNAME。#39;】)){//SAE SAE _ set _ display _ errors(false);SAE _ debug($ log _ content);SAE _ set _ display _ errors(true);} else if($ _ SERVER【& amp;#39;远程ADDR & amp;#39;] != & quot127.0.0.1&quot){//LOCAL $ max _ size = 1000000;$ log _ filename = & quotlog.xml"if(文件存在($日志文件名)和(abs(文件大小($日志文件名))& gt$ max _ size)){ unlink($ log _ filename);}文件内容($log_filename,date(& amp;#39;y-m-d H:I:s & amp;#39;).""。$log_content。"\ r \ n & quot,FILE _ APPEND);} }}?& gt【相关建议】





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